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Thoughtfully I strew flowers on the grave of the prematurely dead son, flowers which presently, full of joy and hope, I offer to the bride of the beloved brother; while the high priestess beckons to me and holds out her hand for a solemn covenant to swear by the pure eternal fire eternal purity and never-dying enthusiasm.

If you will candy them withall, you must strew on Sugar three or four times in the drying. To preserve Artichokes young, green Walnuts and Lemons, and the Elecampane-Roots, or any bitter thing.

Such dead as these are innumerable, Enrico; every graveyard contains hundreds of these sainted beings, who, if they could rise for a moment from their graves, would cry the name of a child to whom they sacrificed the pleasures of youth, the peace of old age, their affections, their intelligence, their life: wives of twenty, men in the flower of their strength, octogenarians, youths, heroic and obscure martyrs of infancy, so grand and so noble, that the earth does not produce as many flowers as should strew their graves.

Fairchild, "many years ago, when I was a very little child so little that I remember nothing more of her than being taken to kiss her when she lay sick in bed. Soon afterwards I can recollect seeing her funeral procession go out of the garden-gate as I stood in the nursery window; and I also remember some days afterwards being taken to strew flowers upon her grave in the village churchyard.

Amid the fabulous radiance of the festal array, when all who surround her admire, worship, and strew flowers in her path, one might believe that the old sunny days had returned; but when we are alone, how rarely I see her smile! Then she plans for the tomb which, under Gorgias's direction, is rapidly rising, and considers with him the best method of rendering it an inaccessible place of retreat.

So he had to take another line altogether; to choose another method; not to try to prevent the deluge, which was certain now to come; not even to build an ark, in which something should be saved; but, so to say, to strew the world with tokens which, when the great waters had subsided, should still remain to remind men of those things it is of most importance they should know.

How to approach and halter the wildest colt of any age without danger, and lead him quietly, is as follows: choose a large floor, that of a wagonhouse answers well, strew it over with straw two or three inches deep, turn your colt into it, follow him in with a good whip, shut the door, and he will clear to the furthest corner, follow him, and whip him well on the hips, he will clear to another corner, follow him, treat him in the same manner, and he will soon begin to turn his head towards you, then stop and bid him come to you, if he does not come, lay on the whip again, being always careful not to touch him about the head or shoulders, but always about the hips, in a short time he will come to you when you bid him, then rub his ears, nose, neck, chest, &c., and pet him all you can; halter and lead him about the floor; it at any time he clears from you, pay the whip well on his hips until he comes to you again; after a little use him the same way in a small yard, and after this you can do as you like with him in any place.

An air of sprightliness and gaiety sits perpetually on their countenances, and their whole deportment seems to indicate that their only business is to "strew the path of life with flowers."

I like to see them in August, when a certain olive sheen mantles their branches and tells you that the swallows will soon be here. I like to see them in October, when they are a towering column of verdure, every leaf as bright as though it has just been varnished. I even like to see them in April, when they strew the paths with a rustling litter of bronze and gold.

He foresaw that he should leave this cheerful earth, the lightsome sky, and thy love, Perdita; yet he neither hesitated or turned back, going right onward to his mark of fame. While the earth lasts, his actions will be recorded with praise. Grecian maidens will in devotion strew flowers on his tomb, and make the air around it resonant with patriotic hymns, in which his name will find high record."