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"They built a fire the first night, and we sneaked up and bagged them." Tim looked at Don miserably, and Don flashed a glance that told him to forget it. It was their secret. Nobody would ever know. Tim walked a step behind the stretcher, with his head bent thoughtfully. What a good scout Don was fair, and square, and willing to be white where another fellow would hold a grudge! Tim sighed.

Exhausted with the excitement of the battle, stiff with his half-dressed wounds, soiled and untidy and haggard, he had paused beside the ambulance while the attendants had lifted the stretcher and borne the Captain up the low flight of steps.

We did things that were bad for a boy of my size, and I saw things that I shouldn't have seen a docker crushed upon one of the docks and brought out on a stretcher dead, a stoker as drunk as though he were dead being wheeled on a wheelbarrow to a ship by the man called a "crimp," who sold this drunken body for an advance on its future pay. Sam told me in detail of these things.

So we are taking him to the chapel in the burial-ground. But he is heavy." "We will give you a hand." Philippe and I take hold of the stretcher. The men follow us in silence. The body is heavy, very heavy. We drag our sabots out of the clay laboriously. And we walk slowly, breathing hard. How heavy he is!... He was called Fumat... He was a giant.

So they took the cupboard door from its hinges, wrapped the body of the dead woman carefully in the tattered blankets from her bed, and laid it on the improvised stretcher. "We should leave some sort of word as to what we are doing," said Bob. "Suppose some of her folks come back and do not find any trace of her? They might never know of her death."

The united strength of the three could not resist the mighty force of the inundation, and like so many straws they were swept on the boiling surge until life was crushed out. Child and Doll in One Coffin. I beheld a touching spectacle when the corpse of a little girl was extricated and placed on a stretcher for transportation to the morgue.

They were more than half an hour in getting to the turn in the main road where she could observe the two green lights before the doctor's house. There the men put the stretcher down for a moment. Jasper Parloe grumblingly took his turn at carrying one end. "I never did see the use of boys, noway," he growled. "They's only an aggravation and vexation of speret.

But, of course, now she has him she can have as many portraits as she wants. Come and tell me what you think, whether it would be safe to pack it, frame and all, or better to unframe it, or, better still, to take the canvas off the stretcher and roll it."

It was soon dispelled by the news which swept across the entire enclosure like a sweet smell, that the referee had adopted the theory of a simple accident. I saw vaguely policemen, a stretcher, streaming crowds, and my ears heard a monstrous universal babbling. And then the figure of Stirling detached itself from the moving disorder and came to me.

He had caught sight of their stretcher and snatched at it, thrusting out his face, the face of a terrified animal, open mouth, and round, palpitating eyes. He lifted his hand as though he would have struck at Charlotte, but John pushed him back. He was brutalized, made savage and cruel by terror; he had a lust to hurt. "You can't have our stretcher," Charlotte said.