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From the books, there should be two thousand three hundred cattle, or thereabouts, in the herd. A few cattle more or less would not have been surprising, for a great herd of cattle will, like a magnet, draw to it all the individual strays in the country roundabout. It was well in the afternoon before the count was finished, and the boys rode into camp to count up and compare with the books.

Miss Chrysophrasia occasionally strays into the repository of learning, but she has little sympathy with the contents of the shelves. Miss Chrysophrasia Dabstreak is a lady concerning whom there is much speculation, to very little purpose, in the world as represented by the select society in which she droops, not moves. She is an amateur.

But for that feller, I surely guess I'd still be chasing over it, like those 'strays' he spends his life rounding-up." A quick look of inquiry flashed in the rancher's eyes. "Strays?" he inquired. Bill nodded gravely. "Yes, he's something in the ranching line. Rounds up 'strays, and herds 'em to their right homes. His name's Fyles Stanley Fyles."

The cattle were strung out and counted. The men agreed on the numbers. But watchful eyes scanned every brand as they passed in review, and the men in the receiving outfit called the attention of their employer to the fact that there were several strays in the herd not in the road brand. One of these strays was a line-back, bar-circle-bar, two-year-old steer.

Consider them how you will, these people form the most dangerous class of our population these are thewaifs and straysof mankind. Like snags and sawyers in the Mississippi, having no voyage to perform in life, their whole aim and destiny seems to be the shipwreck of others.

During these impressionable years, from seventeen to twenty-four, he gained his intimate knowledge of the strangely-colored, many-sided Indian life. His first stories and poems, often written in hot haste, to fill the urgent need of more copy, appeared as waifs and strays in the papers for which he wrote.

There even seemed to be some doubt as to whether they could be raised at all. The absence of Pepperrell from New England, the hatred of garrison duty in Louisbourg, and resentment at seeing some Englishmen commissioned to command Americans, were three great obstacles in the way. The only other resource was the colonial militia, whose waifs and strays alone could be induced to enlist.

I felt that I was ruined in her eyes for ever! She would never listen to my attempt at vindication or apologies women are so unforgiving when a man strays for a moment from the path of propriety, and they regard little weaknesses in the light of premeditated crimes, too heinous for pardon Irene would cry out with the poet: "Tu te fais criminel pour te justifier!"

This was almost the extent of her learning, but she picked up all sorts of odd bits of information, in the queer mixed society which M. Linders seemed everywhere to gather round him, and which appeared to consist of waifs and strays from every grade of society from reckless young English milords, Russian princes, and Polish counts, soi-disant, down to German students and penniless artists.

"It's an abacus," Chia Cheng observed. "Quite so!" replied Ying Ch'un smiling; after which they also conned the one below, by T'an-ch'un, which ran thus and had something to do with an object: This is the time when 'neath the stairs the pages their heads raise! The term of "pure brightness" is the meetest time this thing to make! The vagrant silk it snaps, and slack, without tension it strays!