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"You're in the same case as I, old man," he said, "only you haven't got such a pile of blood and bones to your credit! Here, we must stow this talk, or we shall become both humbugs and materialists. It's a puzzling business, talking! It leads you into some very ugly places!" I went in to see Father Payne one morning about some work.

In the midst of all this, and before it became dark, we had all the studding-sails to make up and stow away, and then to lay aloft and rig in all the booms, fore and aft, and coil away the tacks, sheets, and halyards.

The graand is so hard too, and I'm as sore as if some one had been a-beatin' me with a big stick." "Ere mitey, you just 'ave my blanket. I don't want it. And let me mike my old overcoat into a bit of a pillow for yer." "You are bloomin' kind, Bill, and I don't like " "Oh, stow it, it's nothink. Anything you'd like, mitey?" "No, that is " "Come, out with it you . Wot is it?

"Why, sonny," returned David, knitting his brows very hard, for the question was somewhat of a puzzler, "he means that you've got to stow away in your brain the knowledge that's in the book, an' work away at it di-gest it, d'ee see same as you stow grub into yer stummick an' digest that." Billy pondered this a long time till a happy thought occurred to him.

"Come on," Jim said, jumping up. "Help me to stow these things in the buggy, Wally we'll want most of them for afternoon tea later on. Then we might as well go and see the fun. You girls rested?" They were, they declared; and presently they set off towards the rise.

In the meantime, dear mother, do you stow the treasure safely away, and charge the young ones not to mention what we have found to anyone.

I guess you can learn to like my looks, with a little help from my fist now and then, jest as well as you done the Honorable's. I guess it won't be long before I have you crawlin' on your knees to me for a word o' kindness. I guess " "Aw, stow that soft stuff, Magnus," advised Slinker. "You can do your spoonin' with the gal later on. We're here to git that gold, and don't you forget it.

Between them they managed to stow me pretty tight in my berth and to make me as comfortable as was possible while everything was in such commotion with the ship bouncing about like a pea on a hot shovel and all the wood-work grinding and creaking with the sudden lifts and strains.

Mary Beck was strangely full of fears, considering that she was the granddaughter of a brave old sailor; but after she was out of the unsteady smaller boat, and had been decoyed by Betty to the bows of the Starlight, and shown how to stow herself away so that she hindered neither jib nor boom, she began to enjoy herself highly.

How she insisted upon "all just tasting some of that chicken-pie," when it was quite impossible to stow away another mouthful, because "she had no idea of making it for nothing."