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His creature, Sir William Phips, was made governor; William Stoughton, who was bred for the church, and whose savage bigotry endeared him to the clergy, was lieutenant- governor; and the council was so packed that his excellent son broke into a shout of triumph when he heard the news: "The time has come! the set time has come! I am now to receive an answer of so many prayers.

On the 10th, he started south after Early, and Mosby, who generally had a good idea of what was going on at Union headquarters, took a small party into the valley, intending to kidnap the new commander as he had Stoughton.

Taking several men, he went at once to the house where the prisoner said Stoughton had his headquarters. Arriving there, he hammered loudly on the door with a revolver butt. An upstairs window opened, and a head, in a nightcap, was thrust out. "What the devil's all the noise about?" its owner demanded. "Don't you know this is General Stoughton's headquarters?"

There were four hired men, a woman named Aunt Callie Beebe, who was in charge of the housekeeping, a dull-witted girl named Eliza Stoughton, who made beds and helped with the milking, a boy who worked in the stables, and Jesse Bentley himself, the owner and overlord of it all.

There is another curious document, in the Wonders a letter from Stoughton to Mather, highly applauding the book, in which he acknowledges his particular obligations to him for writing it, as "more nearly and highly concerned" than others, considering his place in the Court, expressing in detail his sense of the great value of the work, "at this juncture of time," and concluding thus: "I do therefore make it my particular and earnest Request unto you, that, as soon as may be, you will commit the same unto the press, accordingly."

By JOHN STOUGHTON, D.D. Georges Chrétien Léopold Dagobert Cuvier was born at Montbéliard, a place of manufacturing industry about forty miles from Besançon, now within the French dominions, then a little principality pertaining to the Duke of Wurtemberg.

The certificate repeats the form of words, so often used in connection with the book, that it was written "at the direction of His Excellency the Governor," without, as in all cases, specifying who, whether Phips or Stoughton, was the Governor referred to.

Don't you, Colonel Ashley? I've written to him three times now and not a line from him! I suppose they must be able to get letters out there, at Stoughton, Michigan. It can't be so far beyond civilization as all that. And Olivia would like it. She's worried about him about his not writing and everything. Don't you think, Colonel Ashley?" Ashley looked blank. "I haven't noticed it " "Oh, I have.

On the Democratic side: Judge Jeremiah S. Black, Charles O'Connor, John A. Campbell, formerly of the Supreme Court, Lyman Trumbull, Montgomery Blair, Matthew H. Carpenter, Ashbel Green, George Hoadly, Richard T. Merrick, William C. Whitney, Alexander Porter Morse. On the Republican side: William M. Evarts, Stanley Matthews, E. W. Stoughton, Samuel Shellabarger.

Chemical analyses show too high carbon and this can be rectified. Now awaiting remittance for payroll. Wimperley read it without a trace of accentuation, while Stoughton got up and stared, as once before, at the sky line of Philadelphia. "Well," drawled Birch dryly, "we've heard from our prophet." "He's got more confidence in our future than we have in his past," put in Riggs.