United States or Cuba ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Jackson waited until three thousand Tennessee militia, for whom he had urgently sent, arrived at Mobile, under the command of General Coffee, one of his efficient coadjutors in the Creek War, and Colonel Butler, and then promptly and successfully stormed Pensacola, driving out the British, who blew up Fort Barrancas and escaped to their ships.

Berlioz's mind, perturbed and inflamed with the mighty images of the Shakespearean world, swept with wide, powerful passion toward Shakespeare's interpreter. He raged and stormed with his accustomed vehemence, made no secret of his infatuation, and walked the streets at night, calling aloud the name of the enchantress, and cooling his heated brows with many a sigh.

The war, according to his views, required to be carried on with more dash and vigor than had hitherto appeared in its conduct cities should be stormed, he said the whole country plundered severe examples made of the guilty. The object of the war also should be changed instead of setting up shadowy kings, his own aim would be to reduce Armenia into the form of a province.

"Open the door! do you hear?" shrieked one little treble voice. "All right!" piped another. "I know who you are, you cads. See if I don't tell Dr Senior!" "Oh, please, I say, I shall lose my train!" whimpered a third. "Wait till I get out; see if I don't kick your shins!" howled a fourth. It was no use. In vain these bantams stormed and raved, and entreated and blubbered.

Tapping stormed and fumed and hopped about the stage, and swore, first at his gouty foot, and then at some member of the company; and he sent them back, over and over again through the scenes it was midnight before they finished the first act, and it was six o'clock in the morning before they finished the second, and it was nearly noon of Monday before the wretched men and women went home to sleep.

Meanwhile Quitman had stormed the batteries on the causeway to the east of the castle, after a desperate struggle in which Major Twiggs, who commanded the stormers, was shot dead at the head of his men. The Mexicans fell back toward the city.

Young Nassau stormed the bulwark sword in hand, carried it at the first assault, and planted his colours on its battlement. It was the flag of William the Silent; for the republican banner was composed of the family colours of the founder of the new commonwealth. The blazonry of the proscribed and assassinated rebel waved at last defiantly over one of the chief cities of Spain.

My step-mother stormed and raged after the Hartmann's At Home, declaring that I had disgraced myself and her; that such guests as I, were a burden to a hostess and an infliction on the rest of the company. All this, along with my own private conclusions, went far towards helping me to make up my mind, once for all, that I had gone to my last "dance."

I'll show my children if they can do without me that I can go without them." She was working herself into a fine rage. The aigrette on her bonnet quivered, and the black velvet band about her neck was getting so tight that it looked as if it couldn't stand the strain much longer. "Why didn't he write me?" she stormed. "Am I too old and decrepit to be consulted any more?

Such is the end of man the only spoil We carry with us from life's battle-field, Is but an insight into nothingness, And utter scorn of all which once appeared To us exalted and desirable. CHARLES, BURGUNDY, DUNOIS, DUCHATEL, and Soldiers. BURGUNDY. The trench is stormed! DUNOIS. The victory is ours! Who is he, who yonder of the sun Taketh reluctant, sorrowful farewell?