United States or Hungary ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

That is the generous but cold statement of an opponent; but it is sufficient. It was not until seven o'clock that Gibbon stormed the fort. Thirty men only out of the two hundred and fifty were left, but they were still fighting. In the attack the Federal loss was "about five hundred men," says the writer above quoted. So fell Lee's last stronghold on this vital part of his lines.

Forming his great army into the shape of a wedge he raised his battle-cry and rushed down on the first line of fortifications, which he stormed without difficulty, for they were defended by a few skirmishers only. Next he attacked the second line, and carried it after heavy fighting, then hurled himself upon the weakest point of the main fence of the vast kraal.

By the side of Tom the Soldier I stormed through many a reeking breach, swept by fire, and slippery with blood; and all for love of it, the munificent sum of eightpence per day, and that which we call "Glory." Bravo, Tom the Soldier! And presently I became aware that he had stopped his horses, and was regarding me smilingly. "Tom," said I, "you are a wonderful talker!"

The Turks' northern flank had been stormed, but they still held desperately to their southern flank, from which they poured a devastating stream of shells against the British troops that caused many casualties.

On the starboard bow of the Argyll was the armored cruiser Orenburg. Her fire, hot and true, ceased on the explosion of a large shell at her water-line, and she swung out of the fight, silent but for the roar of escaping steam, heeled heavily to port, and sank in ten minutes, her ensigns flying to the last. Mr. Clarkson rejoiced with his gun-crew. He had sent the shell. On stormed the Argyll.

Doubtless the marshal, who had stormed so on finding the 7th corps still at Osches when he supposed it to be at la Besace, had felt assured that the 5th corps was safe in camp at Mouzon when, lingering in Beaumont, it had come to grief there. But what could they expect from troops so poorly officered, demoralized by suspense and incessant retreat, dying with hunger and fatigue?

Balcom stormed down from the room to the telephone, where, a moment later, he telephoned to an asylum, asking them to send a conveyance with nurses, keepers, and whatever paraphernalia was necessary to take care of his partner, Brent. "Is he violent?" demanded the doctor over the telephone. "Yes. Bring a strait-jacket," snapped back Balcom. "And the sooner he is under your care the better."

He foamed at the mouth stormed swore and tore about with such vehemence, that I really began to think the fellow was a dull flint, which produced, fire slowly, but that there was fire in him. The struggle still proceeded, and we pulled and dragged each other through every part of the house: chairs, and tables, and office-stools were all overturned and Phil's cry was still for war.

The brigade won the hill and held it just before midnight, but the battle for the crest ebbed and flowed for days with terrific violence, we never giving up possession of it, though it was stormed again and again by an enemy who, it is fair to admit, displayed fine courage and not a little skill.

"Maybe the bullet went through the bushes," suggested the shipowner's son. "You fired at me I heard the shot and saw you with the pistol!" stormed Aaron Poole. "I've a good mind to have you arrested!" "Mr. Poole, why should I fire at you?" asked Dave. "Oh, you needn't try to smooth it over, you young rascal! I know you!