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Qui tanti talem genuere parentes?" It broke, the Virgil dropped from his hand, and sinking down on his stool he broke into a wild fit of sobbing. "Oh, why did I read it? Why did I read this sorrowful book?" And then checking his sobs, he put a handkerchief to his mouth, took it away, and looked up at me with dry eyes. "Go away, little one, Don't come again: I am going to die very soon now."

I watched during six weeks, and could discover nothing concerning the power of Fledermausse. Sometimes, seated upon a stool, she peeled her potatoes, then hung out her linen upon the balustrade. Sometimes I saw her spinning; but she never sang, as good, kind old women are accustomed to do, their trembling voices mingling well with the humming of the wheel.

Cicely Elliott, who dressed, in spite of her new wedding, all in black for the sake of some dead men, laughed round at her from her little stool by the fire. 'God help you! that must have been hard, to keep thy tongue from the flail of all Papists.

There was very little furniture in the place, but I noticed a small shelf of books in a corner by the window. A feeble woman, upwards of seventy years old, sat upon a stool tending the cradle of a sleeping infant. This infant was the youngest of five children, the oldest of the five was seven years of age.

She nodded, and hand in hand we walked through the Boers, who nudged each other and laughed at us as we passed to where the old vrouw was seated on a stool by her wagon drinking coffee. I remember that her vatdoek was spread over her knees, for she also had a new dress, which she was afraid of staining.

The schoolmaster was sitting at his high desk, with his back to me, apparently haranguing the pupils, who were all gathered together in front of him, with one exception. The one exception was a sturdy white-headed boy, standing apart from all the rest on a stool in a corner a forlorn little Crusoe, isolated in his own desert island of solitary penal disgrace.

Hamnet's face was scarlet yet as he fumbled around among the rushes and the greens for the pippins, and this done he retired hastily to his stool. But three-legged stools are uncertain, and he sat him heavily down on the rushes instead.

They would have to take things as they came and be thankful they were no worse. Doris left the piano. She sat on a low stool beside him, leaned her brown head against him. "It won't be so long before I have to go to town, Bob," she said dreamily. "I hope the winter is open so that the work goes on well. And sometimes I hope that the snow shuts everything down, so that you'll be there with me.

She sank into a chair by the fire, and there was Diana on a stool at her feet timidly daring dropping soft caresses on the hand she held, drawing out the tragic history of the preceding weeks, bringing, indeed, to this sad and failing mother what she had perforce done without till now that electric sympathy of women with each other which is the natural relief and sustenance of the sex.

While Mabel was speculating on the personal appearance of the author of 'Illusion, Dolly darted in suddenly. 'Oh, there you are, Mabel, she said, 'how lazy of you! Mother thought you were playing tennis, and some people have called, and she and I had to do all the talking to them! 'Come and rest then, Dolly, said Mabel, putting an arm up and drawing her down to a low stool by her chair.