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"What do you mean, child?" "Oh, you know, about God, and the Bible, and cant, and that sort of thing," Beth answered evenly. "Come in and sit down," said Aunt Victoria. Beth sat on a classical piece of furniture that stood in the window, a sort of stool or throne, with ends like a sofa and no back. It had belonged to Aunt Victoria's father, and she valued it very much.

On the bridge were many of the officers; and sitting bolt upright on a stool, 'looking out forward' in the most amusing manner, was the captain's little Skye terrier. The stern was crowded with passengers, of every shade of colour. To our surprise a voice from among them shouted out 'Three cheers for Mr.

"I can't see through it, why drunkards and murderers are punished, and them that make 'em drink and murder go free. I can't see through it." "Wall, I don't see how you can see through any thing here dark as pitch." Here he fell over a stool, which made him madder. "Folks make fools of themselves, a follerin' up that subject."

When I heard the scream, I jumped down from my stool, and got back into the cellar; as the dog was no longer about, I left the door ajar, so that I could hear them open the window, and see, by the light, that the old man was looking out with the lamp; but he could find no ladder, and the window was too high for any man of common size to reach it!"

She had lovely eyes, dark, smoky-blue under black lashes, and when they held a gentle, half-shy, half-proud invitation, as they did then, they were very unsettling eyes.... And it was hot on that infernal camp stool. And there was a crick in the back of his neck and his errand was glaringly a fool's errand....

Last of all, Elsworthy, who began to be frightened too, but whose fears were mingled with no compunction nor blame of himself, stole in and found an uncomfortable seat on a stool near the door, where scarcely any one saw him, by favour of Thomas, and screened by the high back of the Rector's easy-chair. When all were assembled Mr Morgan spoke.

"What crazy nonsense!" she said; and sat upon a stool before the crackling fire. "Do sit down, Noble unless your dinner will be waiting for you at home?" "No," he murmured. "They never wait for me. Don't you want me to look after your trunk?" "Not by sitting all night with it on the porch!" she said. "I'm going to stay here myself.

After putting back his papers he closed his bag, and said to M. le Duc d'Orleans that there was still the Perigueux affair which he had ordered him to bring forward, but that it would be long and detailed; that he doubtless wished to go to the opera; that it could be attended to next week; and at once, without waiting for a reply, he rises, pushes back his stool, and turns to go away.

Presently back she comes, spoon in one hand, stool in the other, and sits to watch me at work. "What do you make now, Martin?" "A pin for your hair." "Why, 'tis beautiful!" "'Tis scarce begun yet!" Here she must needs lavish all manner of praises on my skill until I came nigh cutting myself. "How many will you make me, Martin?" "As many as you will." "Three should suffice."

"Not at all," muttered Soames, a trifle unsteadily; "it seems all right" the cocktails were beginning to speak now, and his voice was a duet "simply perfectly all right all square." "Good!" said Mr. Gianapolis with his radiant smile; and the gaze of his left eye, crossing that of its neighbor, observed the entrance of a stranger into the bar. He drew his stool closer and lowered his voice: "Mrs.