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French, German, Spanish, Arabic they flow from my pen like honey from a rod. As for Hebrew, you know, Guedalyah, I and you are the only two men in England who can write Holy Language grammatically. And yet these miserable stockbrokers, Men-of-the-Earth, they dare to say I cannot write English, and they have given me the sack.

Even stockbrokers' clerks young men as a class with the bump of reverence but poorly developed would in her presence falter and grow hesitating. She had cultivated the art of not noticing to something approaching perfection.

When he reappeared, he walked quickly down the street and for obvious reasons I was unable to follow him. The address of the offices which he left and re-entered was Messrs. Laverick & Morrison, Stockbrokers. "That interests you, Mr. Laverick?" she asked softly. He handed it back to her. "It interests me very much," he answered. "Who was this unseen person who wrote from the clouds?"

Economists reply to the remonstrances of those who deny the existence of such a monster, by adding that they do not for a moment suppose that men in general, or even tradesmen or stockbrokers, are in reality such beings, mere money-making machines, stripped bare of all generous or altruistic sentiment but simply that, as a matter of fact, most people do, ceteris paribus, prefer a guinea to a pound; and that so large a part of our industrial activity is carried on from motives of this kind, that we may obtain a fair approximation to the actual course of affairs by considering them as the sole motives.

Just as my father and mother looked upon the house in which Swann lived as one that closely resembled the other houses built at the same period in the neighbourhood of the Bois, so Swann's family seemed to them to be in the same category as many other families of stockbrokers.

By some curious accident he was flung into the vortex of London life at seventeen, and became a clerk in a reputable firm of stockbrokers in Throgmorton Street. He rose rapidly, speculated largely and successfully for himself, became a partner, and was rich at thirty. I used to meet him occasionally, for he never forgot that we had sat upon the same bench at school.

When not in uniform he was an office-boy and from pedlers and beggars guarded the gates of Carroll and Hastings, stockbrokers. He spoke the names of his employers with awe. It was a firm distinguished, conservative, and long-established. The white-haired young man seemed to nod in assent. "Do you know them?" demanded Jimmie suspiciously. "Are you a customer of ours?"

Loring, trying to raise money for a mine somewhere in Portugal knew nobody but stockbrokers and bank presidents. In New York five years ago he was Mr. Norvic Bing, and worked on some kind of a dictionary; lived in a boarding-house on Union Square." I could not conceal my delight. "I knew I was right!" I cried, laying my hand on his arm. "I lived with him there a whole winter."

Nor did his failure to make a success of the manure agency discourage him; the shop was a different matter, that was his own idea, he had thought of a fortune, and had lost two thousand pounds. It had crippled him for life. True enough, there were other things to do. Some stockbrokers make twenty per cent. on their money, not in wild speculation, but in straightforward genuine business.

He had always had a contempt for the place, having joined it many years ago when they refused to have him at the 'Hotch Potch' owing to his being 'in trade. As if he were not as good as any of them! He naturally despised the Club that did take him. The members were a poor lot, many of them in the City stockbrokers, solicitors, auctioneers what not!