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Thus the matter was settled and the order roared down the decks: "Set every stitch for St. Pierre; we're going to bait up there. Lively, now!" St. Pierre, Miquelon, is one of the quaintest towns in all of picturesque French Canada.

"Ay, will I, in case you do what I say; but if you don't the sarra stitch of it 'll go to your back this twelvemonth, maybe, if you vex me. Now!" "Well, I'll tell you what: my mind's made up I will take the land; an' I'll show the neighbors what Pether Connell can do yit." "Augh! augh! mavoumeen, that you wor!

The stitches could be arranged in various ways; in the present example three are worked closely together on either side in turn. The only difficulty with this buttonhole insertion is that on one side the stitch has to be worked in direction contrary to that usual, that is from right to left instead of from left to right. In the diagram the needle is shown working in this reverse way.

A dozen shots had been fired, though it was difficult to ascertain the effect produced. By this time the Janet had opened out the west end of the island, when Dick, looking up, just as he was handing a musket to Lord Reginald, exclaimed "A sail, a sail! and a man-of-war, too, standing down towards us, under every stitch of canvas she can carry."

One morning I made a rent in this mantle; and to show the islanders with what facility it could be repaired, I lowered my bundle, and taking from it a needle and thread, proceeded to stitch up the opening.

See those two critics, with their eyes close to the wonderful "Ecce Homo" of Correggio, disputing whether there is or is not a visible stitch in the garment of Christ that ought to be seamless. How red their faces; how hot their words!

He spoke with the most impenetrable gravity, while Mr. Rossitur looked blank and puzzled. Fleda could hardly keep her countenance. "That row of poles," said Mr. Rossitur presently, "are they to guide you in running the furrow straight?" "Yes sir they are to mark out the crown of the stitch. I keep 'em right between the horses and plough 'em down one after another.

"It is very inconsiderate of Cicely," said Miss Bird, "nobody could possibly have objected to her going to stay with Muriel and Miles would have packed her clothes and gone up to London with her to look after her and to go by herself without a word and not take a stitch to put on her back and Mr.

For getting satisfactory colour there is a useful method which can at times be made use of; this is to stitch it down in alternate lines of two different tints, which, seen together at a little distance, give the desired effect.

"No Robinson trousseau for me," he said. "I thought of pasting together the leaves of The Bartender's Benefactor, but I'm afraid that would be rather damning. No, I don't see what to do." "I have it!" said Theodolinda, gleefully. "I've got a sewing kit in the car we'll unrip the upholstery and I can stitch you up a suit in no time.