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"Quite the proper course," commented Stirling. "It's kind of a pity you didn't stick to it. When you had arrived at that wise decision, why did you come here to talk to my daughter?" It was a shrewd question, and perfectly warranted, but Weston answered it candidly. "I think I came because I could not stay away," he said.

The distance from Glasgow to Dundee is some seventy or eighty miles, and we passed through the finest country which I have seen in this portion of the Queen's dominions. We passed through the old town of Stirling, which lies about thirty miles distant from Glasgow, and is a place much frequented by those who travel for pleasure.

They enlisted, however, on their respective sides various partisans, producing a great deal of jealousy and ill will, and increasing the animosity of their husbands. All this time the celebrated Mary Queen of Scots was an infant in Janet Sinclair's arms, at the castle of Stirling, in Scotland.

Dupont telegraphed me this afternoon that he was detained there." "It's curious," said Dorothy. "Mr. Rivington and my brother came on Tuesday expecting to stay for a week, but they had special delivery letters yesterday, and both started for New York. They would not tell me what it was." "Mr. Stirling received a special delivery, too," said Leonore, "and started at once. And he wouldn't tell."

Chopin, Lindsay Sloper said, was pleased with her playing, and soon began to like her. In his account to me Lindsay Sloper made two mistakes which prove that his memory was not one of the most trustworthy, and suggest even the possibility that his Miss Stirling was a different person from Chopin's friend. His mistakes were these: he called Mrs.

"Did he not expose me, threaten me with an ignominious death, on the walls of Stirling?" "But was it before he saw the Earl of Mar, with his hapless family, brought, with halters on their necks, to be suspended from this very tower? Ah! what a tale has the lovely countess told me of that direful scene!

The Great Hall, where the Scottish Parliament used to meet, was also very interesting as connected with the ancient history of the country. From Stirling we walked to Alloa, passing the picturesque cascades rushing down the cleft's of the Ochils.

Is there anything that I should trouble myself about?" "Your friends' opinion, your father's opposition " He broke off, and Ida, who turned in her chair, looked around suddenly with her cheeks flushed. "My father," she said, "is able to speak for himself." Weston started, for he saw Stirling standing just inside the doorway looking at them gravely.

Constance looked up, dropping her work. "Who? Who's been talking about me?" "Well," said Sophia, "the doctor, for instance." "Dr. Stirling? I like that! He's always saying that Bursley is one of the healthiest climates in England. He's always sticking up for Bursley." "Dr. Stirling thinks you ought to go away more not stay always in that dark house."

Stirling now exhibited a constant carnival; peace was in every heart, and joy its companion.