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"Why, Aunt Linda," said Robert, "there are numbers of things the Lord has made that I wouldn't touch with a pair of tongs." "What are they?" "Rattlesnakes, scorpions, and moccasins." "Oh, sho!" "Aunt Linda," said Iola, "the Bible says that the wine at last will bite like a serpent and sting like an adder."

At that period every Italian town was as full of lampoons as a marsh of mosquitoes, and it was as difficult in the one case as the other for the sufferer to detect the specific cause of his sting. The moment in Italy was a strange one. The tide of reform had been turned back by the very act devised to hasten it: the suppression of the Society of Jesus.

"I I'd like to talk with you further about it, when we have time. Do you suppose I could get permission to go into the mines during working-hours?" "Certainly you could for the mere asking. We can speak to Mr. Caleb Gordon about it after breakfast, if you wish. My! doesn't that rain sting! I'm glad we are at home." "Yes; and it is freezing as it falls.

His back was scalding, and the sting of the cruel lash pervaded his whole body, but he only shut his teeth the harder and waited for what next was to come. "Where will the concentration take place?" The words came like the knell of doom, the monotony of their tone was appalling. "I do not know," replied George again.

But if death, even thus stingless, is yet full of horror, what is he with his worst sting beside, the sting of our sins? What is he when he is taking us, not to nothingness, but to judgment? He is indeed so fearful then, that no words can paint him half so truly as our foreboding dread of him, and no arguments which the wit of man can furnish can strip him of his terrors.

Here they were joined after a while by the ladies, for even by the ocean it was as mild as early May, and the wind was merely bracing and had no sting in it. The big blue waves shouldered themselves up from the bosom of the sea, marched toward the beach, and tumbled to pieces in a roaring tumult of white and green.

Similar in form and colouring, both possess a like talent for architecture; and this talent is expressed in a work of the highest perfection which charms the most untutored eye. Their dwelling is a masterpiece. The Eumenes follow the profession of arms, which is unfavourable to artistic effort; they stab a prey with their sting; they pillage and plunder.

No doubt she had received that petition too effusively and he wished there should be no mistake. What a young smarting soul went through in that half-mile of listening is better guessed than analysed. There are certain moments of shame, which only women know, and which seem to sting and burn out of youth all its natural sweet self-love. A woman may outlive them, but never forget them.

"But I've got that arm around the central pillar of your political roof, gentlemen and I've got the strength to handle it! You've stated your position as a politician, Presson. Now I'll state mine. Rather than see the Republican temple made any longer a house of political ill-fame I'll pull it down on you prostitutes." It was bitter taunt an insult delivered with calm determination to sting.

"Because there are insects in the bed, and they sting you?" If you are thin-skinned, and the reptiles bite, they keep you from sleep." "There are some men who cry out at a flea-bite as loud as if they were torn by a vulture," I growl. "Men of the genus irritabile, my worthy good gentleman! and you are one."