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Dick felt rather than saw the stiffening of the lines, and the return of a great courage. The new line of battle was formed directly under the fire of a victorious and charging enemy. Three batteries were gathered on a height overlooking a railroad cut, where they could sweep the front of the foe.

George always away, nothing to do in the ugly house, and Lady Tressady coming directly she said to herself, suffocating, her small hands stiffening, that she felt fit to kill herself. Half-way down the slope she heard steps behind her in the gathering darkness, and at the same moment something struck her violently on the shoulder.

As she grew fainter, she motioned to her husband to come near her He did so, and, with a smile of rapt serenity that bespoke the conviction strong at her heart, she said in a low tone, as she clasped his warm hand within her own, already stiffening with the chill of death: "Grieve not, I entreat you, for recollect that, although we part, it is not for ever.

All unknown to her, two or three of the rabble behind her were in the act of poising themselves with great stones in their hands, and their muscles were stiffening for a cast when, just in the nick of time, the obstinate snap yielded, and with a jerk the umbrella spread itself. Turning the wide-spread gloria skyward, Rebecca hurried forward once more, still bent upon overtaking Copernicus Droop.

Aye, Isom Chase was dead. Back there in the still house his limbs were stiffening upon his kitchen floor. Isom Chase was dead on the eve of the most bountiful harvest his lands had yielded him in all his toil-freighted years.

After every important war in South-East Europe in recent times there has been a shrinking of the area of chronically disturbed territory, a stiffening of the area of chronically disturbed territory, a stiffening of frontier lines, an intrusion of civilised monotony. And imagine what may happen at the conclusion of this war if the Turk should really be driven out of Europe."

Now that he is away, I feel far more gently to him; it is only close by that I grow rigid stiffening with a strange mixture of apprehension and anger which nothing softens but his retreat, and a perfect subduing of his manner." And again, "my conscience, I can truly say, does not now accuse me of having treated Mr.

Duane sunk deeper into the shadow of his covert, and, stiffening his muscles for a protected spell of rigidity, prepared to listen with all acuteness and intensity. Just one word from this Lawson, inadvertently uttered in a moment of passion, might be the word Duane needed for his clue. "It happened at the town hall," began Lawson, rapidly.

But I don't find fault with the machinery; the wider field and the larger figures are a direct boon to us. They do, however, impose an added strain upon our sincerity." I like to believe that the American writer is stiffening himself more and more to meet this strain. Commercialization has never affected any literature more than it has affected the American short story in the past.

The symptoms are increased tension, which means, sooner or later, hypertrophy of the left ventricle and an accentuated closure of the aortic valve. This alone means more and more tendency to aortic irritation and aortic valve irritation, with inflammation, and later deposits of calcareous material, perhaps with stiffening of the aortic valve and narrowing, aortic stenosis being the result.