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He walked back through Wall Street, and his enthusiasm was beginning to ebb, he was feeling the first pangs of a lonely nostalgia, when he almost ran into Ned Stevens's arms. It was four years since they had met. Stevens had grown a foot and Alexander a few inches, but both were boyish in appearance still and recognized each other at once.

The plan of reconstruction adopted by Congress was an embodiment of his ideas; but Johnson was acquitted of the charges Stevens brought against him, and Stevens's poison, as it were, turned in upon himself and killed him.

Stevens's side; and Dick raised the nearly powerless body until, at the expense of most severe pain, but without sign of it by even so much as a groan, his father stood on the uninjured limb.

A moment more and the physician had signed it as a witness and the butler had done the same. The old manufacturer died as he had lived. The will written on Dr. Stevens's prescription pad was given to Owen. He went to his room and examined it.

The behavior of the dogs was as yet the only sign of danger, when, about nine o'clock on the morning of the 7th of April, one of Stevens's men took it upon him to go out and find what was amiss. Accompanied by two or three of the dogs, he advanced, gun in hand, into the clearing, peering at every stump, lest an Indian should lurk behind it.

Stevens's altered appearance, and, in fact, would not have recognized him, but for his voice. "You don't seem to be well?" remarked Kinch, inquiringly. "No, I'm not," he replied, gruffly; "I've caught cold." As Kinch was leaving the office, he called after him, "Did you find a paper in your shop this morning?"

We drove up to London in her comfortable chariot: the children and servants following in a post-chaise. I paid, of course, for everything; and until our house in Berkeley Square was painted, we stopped at "Stevens's Hotel." My own estate had been sold, and the money was lying at a bank in the City.

"P.S. I can probably beat you at jacks when I get back, I practice so much." "I'll get mine out to-day," said Ethelwyn, "and we'll see whether she can or not. When will she come home, mother?" But mother was reading Aunty Stevens's letter, and did not hear. "The Home is getting on beautifully," she said presently. "There are ten pale little children out there now.

Thomas's corps had marched by the way of Stevens's Gap toward Lafayette, which he expected to occupy. Crittenden had passed through Chattanooga, at first directing his march an Ringgold.

Crusted in smoke and blood and dirt, crushed by a vise of beams and wheels out of human semblance, and left now an aimless, twitching thing, the tramp clutched at Stevens's foot as he passed. "Water!" "Hello, old boy, how the devil did you get here?" exclaimed Stevens, retreating in alarm. "Water!" Stevens stepped to the butt and filled a cup. The tramp's eyes were closed.