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She realized that she had merely given herself an anæsthetic, just as Steve had done, one of unreality and indifference, and that no one stays dormant under its power for all time. That all so-called commercial nuns try hard to convince themselves that watching the procession pass by is quite the best way of all. Yet there is scant truth or satisfaction in the statement.

Much obliged, cousin, I'm all right now," and Steve departed hastily. Having decided to be a peace-maker, Rose waited for an opportunity, and very soon it came. She was spending the day with Aunt Clara, who had been entertaining some young guests, and invited Rose to meet them, for she thought it high time her niece conquered her bashfulness and saw a little of society.

Later on that summer, when they had a chance to make a day's tour in an automobile, Max, Steve, Bandy-legs, and Toby invited both Mazie Dunkirk and Bessie French to accompany them; and in fine style they visited along the route of their homeward journey after leaving the camp under the forest trees.

Keeko, in her mannish clothes of buckskin, her beaded, fur-trimmed tunic which revealed the shapeliness of her youthful body. The vision of it all carried his mind back so many years. "Keeko for Marcel. Marcel for Keeko. Yes?" Steve drew a deep breath. "Yes. Thank God." He moved away. There was no ceremony between these two.

The big fish was simply elegant. The boys used up all the available adjectives at their command in order to do the subject ample justice. Never had a fish been better baked. Steve looked as proud as any peacock that strutted along a wall in self-admiration. He even promised to repeat the prize supper, if only Toby could duplicate Jack's catch.

Outside on the terrace Steve Johnston was saying, stuttering in his endeavor to get hastily all the words he needed to express his feelings: "It's no use, Jack! I tell you I am sick of the whole business. I know it's big pay, more than I ever expected to earn in my life. But Alice and I have been poor before, and I guess we can be poor again if it comes to that."

"Merry Christmas!" she shouted with the boys They were not so very far ahead of her. Steve caught her under the arms and held her almost up to the ceiling, it seemed. She was so little and light. "Ten kisses before you can come down." She paid the ten kisses, and would have given twice the number. "I'm trying to guess what is in the box." She looked perplexed and a crease came between her eyes.

From the beginning Steve had evinced an insatiable appetite for books; he started in to devour everything upon which he could lay his hands, and the Hunter library was lined with well-stocked cases. But it was the history volumes which drew him most; with a fat tome upon his knees he would sit for hours in a corner upon the floor, his eyes glued to the pages.

Steve took a peep. "Believe me, they're beginning to turn a light brown already; and say, they look as light as any Mary Ann ever made at our house," was his joyous announcement. He seemed to act as though the fate of nations depended on the successful issue of his first camp baking.

"Must have been a round snag, all right," commented Steve; "because that's as pretty a circular hole as I ever saw." "Tell you I never struck no snag!" declared the indignant Bandy-legs; "guess I'd 'a' felt it, wouldn't I, Max?"