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Summoned by Major-General Shafter, a meeting was held here this morning at head-quarters, and in the presence of every commanding and medical officer of the Fifth Army Corps, General Shafter read a cable message from Secretary Alger, ordering him, on the recommendation of Surgeon-General Sternberg, to move the army into the interior, to San Luis, where it is healthier.

For one great meadow so softly gilded, I would give all the scarlet and yellow trees that ever made a steaming autumn gorgeous all the crimson of the Rhine valleys, all the patched and spotted walnut-leaves of the muhl-thal by Boppard, and the little trees that change so suddenly to their yellow of decay in groups at the foot of the ruins of Sternberg and Liebenstein, every one of their branches disguised in the same bright, insignificant, unhopeful colour.

The appointment received perhaps its most kindly treatment from those most directly concerned. Mr. Wintermuth did not know anything about Sternberg, Bloom, and McCoy in fact, he had never heard of them. And so, when Mr.

Sternberg, in his "Northamptonshire Glossary" , says that the discovery of a double nut, "presages well for the finder, and unless he mars his good fortune by swallowing both kernels, is considered an infallible sign of approaching 'luck. The orthodox way in such cases consists in eating one, and throwing the other over the shoulder."

Pickering, what sort of a crew can you scrape together to design a bomb for us?" he asked. "Well, there's Martirano, and Sternberg, and Howard Fu-Chung, and Piet van Reenen, and...." He nodded to himself. "I can get six or eight of them in here in about twenty minutes; I'll have a project set up and working in a couple of hours.

No notice was taken of these cruel practices for some time, for Sternberg was powerful in wealth and influence; until the disappearance of a ship's captain, who was found dead in his room, the existence of an immense quantity of goods under his house, and other concurring circumstances, led to his apprehension. He was tried, condemned to Siberia, and his name struck off the roll of the nobility.

Only four days then had elapsed before "my acquaintances" died "by a long knife," so that one part of the prediction had been thus fulfilled. And now I have to await Death's threat to me. The delay was not long. Only two days later the Chief of the Asiatic Division of Cavalry arrived Baron Ungern von Sternberg.

A feeling which he had never known seemed to rise up in his heart, and, bending his head, he wept bitterly. The cloister, Marienburg, lay in a valley at some distance from the castles, and there Angela found peace. A wall was soon built up between the two forts Sternberg and Liebenstein, a silent witness of the enmity between the two brothers.

I am frightened of no man living, but I happened to hear the name of the manager there a-Captain Sternberg, an ex-captain of the German navy. He and I served together in the same ship and I am a deserter from the German service." I was astonished. "You!" I exclaimed; "surely you are not a German?"

It was the old story of "Wolf, wolf"; there had been so many supposed "germs" that the profession had become suspicious. Several years elapsed before Surgeon-General Sternberg called the attention of the English-speaking world to Laveran's work: it was taken up actively in Italy, and in America by Councilman, Abbott and by others among us in Baltimore.