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So intense was the darkness that they could not see the boys or canoes at all till close beside them. Without uttering a word, or making a sound with their moccasined feet, they stepped into the canoes, pushed gently off and glided, ghost-like, into the vast obscurity.

She had danced many a time, but never in the clothes of a woman; so they stared, mutely puzzled. A though came first to Jacqueline. She stepped close and murmured her suggestion in the ear of Pierre. Whatever it was, it made his jaw set hard and brought grave lines into his face. She stepped back, asking: "Well?" "We'll do it. What a little demon you are, Jack!" "Then we'll have to start now.

"Quite dead! A ghastly business!" Francis gazed at the hole in the shirt-front, disfigured also by a scorching stain. "A bullet?" he asked. The doctor nodded. "Fired within a foot of the poor fellow's heart," he whispered. "The murderer wasn't taking any chances, whoever he was." "Have the police been sent for?" The head-porter stepped forward.

He was thus standing, the tell-tale coat upon his back, the incriminating paper in his hand, when the door opened and the tall lodger, with a firm but somewhat pallid face, stepped into the room and closed the door again behind him. For some time, the two looked upon each other in perfect silence; then Mr.

Towards morning she felt much refreshed, and strong enough, as she thought, to go back to her work. She had just stepped again into the cold water, when a trembling and faintness seized her: she clutched at the air with her hand, took a step forward, and fell down.

"Jools," said the West-Floridian, laying his great hand tenderly upon the Creole's shoulder, as they stepped out upon the banquette, "do you think you have any shore hopes of heaven?" "Yass!" replied St.-Ange; "I am sure-sure. I thing everybody will go to heaven.

The nearer she came the fairer seemed the tent, and at last she rowed to the shore and grounded her little boat on the golden sand, and stepped out daintily and came up to the tent. She was a little frightened, and now and again she stopped and looked back to where the silver boat lay on the sand with the blue sea beyond it.

I stepped back from the bulwark, not knowing whether he was away in the first boat, or whether he was still on board I stepped back, and saw him mount the cabin stairs empty-handed, with the water dripping from him. 'Once more! he said to himself and disappeared again, to make a last effort at recovering the jewel box.

When Kittredge, with cloak and bag, stepped into his waiting cab and, for the second time on this villainous night, started down the Champs Elysées he was under no illusion as to his personal safety.

At this question, I stepped back again into the room, and by one of those unaccountable transitions that are only known to the victims of violent passion, I passed in an instant from the state of subdued tranquillity which I have just described, into an ungovernable fury 'Away! said I to her, 'tell the traitor G M and his abandoned mistress the state of despair into which your accursed mission has cast me; but warn them that it shall not be long a source of amusement to them, and that my own hands shall be warmed with the heart's blood of both! I sank back upon a chair; my hat fell on one side, and my cane upon the other: torrents of bitter tears rolled down my cheeks.