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"I do not, sir; but there are still so many excited people in the street that, if you will have the kindness to step out, you will be sure to learn." "Why the devil do you talk of kindness? It is my duty, madame. Poor child!" repeated Dagobert. "Taken up as a thief! it is really horrible.

Fatal moment! in which the Queen found herself, in consequence of this highly impolitic step, on trial with a subject, who ought to have been dealt with by the power of the King alone.

She already regretted the step she had taken. What if it should prove to be the same Lockwood, she thought, and what would they think of her? "Perhaps you will do better than Mr. Lockwood," she said, as she followed him into the inner office. "I fear I have come upon a very foolish errand, and one that has nothing at all to do with the law."

It is only when a man says, 'There is none other that fighteth for us, but only Thou, O God! that God comes to help. The first step in the campaign was that the king of Judah gathered all his people together, and prayed to God, and said, 'We know not what we shall do.

He reached home at his old time; it seemed so familiar to fit the key into the lock and step into the hall, redolent, even through the closed kitchen door, of the savoury preparations for dinner. But no little woman ran out, smiling and anxious, to ascertain his mood. He had to go in search of her; he opened the sitting-room door and found her ensconced on the chesterfield, knitting those socks.

They might do this, or this, or this, and it would be profitable, but where are the means to take the first step? It is easy to stand afar off and say, be economical, be industrious, and you will prosper. In the meantime pay up the back rent or get out of this and give place to better men. They tell me that Mr. LaTouche charges the poor creatures interest on all the back rent.

We had heard the street door open and close, and had also heard footsteps along the passage and up the stairs. "It is too early for him to come home," I answered. My mother looked at her watch, and remarked, as a shade of concern flitted over her face, "It certainly was your father. I cannot be mistaken in his step. What can have brought him home so early? I hope he is not sick."

Two years later the younger Publius Scipio, celebrated afterward as Africanus, received the command in Spain, and captured Cartagena by a combined military and naval attack; after which he took the most extraordinary step of breaking up his fleet and transferring the seamen to the army.

And the seven forty-five carried me on, a step nearer to Eternity, by the road that is worn and seamed and channelled with the passions, and weaknesses, and warring interests of man who is immortal and master of his fate. Girls and boys, come out to play The moon is shining as bright as day! Leave your supper and leave your sleep, And come with your playfellows out in the street!

Here was a regular person, all dolled up in a classy evening gown, with a fur-trimmed opera cape slippin' off her shoulders. And she was givin' him the straight call. "But but there must be some mistake," protests Ernie. "If there is," says I, "it's up to you to put the lady wise. You can't walk off and leave her with her hands in the air, can you? Ah, don't be a fish! Step up."