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Louis then offered his present a hundred-pound keg of beef and the talking man went outside and informed the populace, in stentorian tones, of the nature and amount of the present received. We ate of pig, fowl, and taro, in civilized fashion, sitting on chairs and using plates, tumblers, spoons, knives, and forks. After a walk about the village we all sat on mats under the eaves and conversed.

He stood under the lamp-post, and shook his fist at the block generally. "Who threw that lump of coal?" he demanded in stentorian tones. To my horror, it was the voice of the man at Eighty-eight, an Irish gentleman, a journalist like myself. I saw it all, as the unfortunate hero always exclaims, too late, in the play.

I say, Bill, open that there port a bit, else we'll be choked," cried a stentorian voice, as Guy entered the little apartment, where some dozen of noisy sailors were creating the cloud, which was a little too strong for them. For some moments Guy glanced round inquiringly, unable to pierce the dim curtain that enshrouded everything, as with a veil of dirty gauze.

He had made no move, but had contented himself with staring around in confused and helpless surprise. But now Todar Rao, the sirdar, had sprung to his side and dragged the youth to his feet. "'O princes and people, this is your rightful king, cried the soldier in stentorian tones, 'crowned and proclaimed and accepted by your pledges of loyalty.

Then, as he threw back his head and opened his lips, his face turned purple, the muscles of his cheeks and jaw rippled and strung, the veins on his forehead swelled into bulging ridges. Even the back of his neck grew red. "Well! Well! Well!!!" Ear-splitting stentorian blast! For a moment I was deafened.

This set them on singing, and Roaring Billy insisted on bawling out at the top of his stentorian lungs the doleful ditty of "Lord Bateman and his Daughters," which ran to thirty verses, and lasted half-an-hour.

Dolores was sentenced to be beheaded under the name of Antoinette de Mirandol When her sentence was pronounced, the business of the Court was concluded, and the judges were about to retire when suddenly a man made his way through the crowd to the bar, and cried a stentorian voice: "The sentence you have just pronounced is infamous. You are not judges, but assassins and executioners."

Q were peeping through the bushes and enjoying the scene. Bushrod knelt down with his face toward the Cottonwood, and began an agonized prayer, mingled with confessions of crimes and malefactions, some flagrant, some which brought a grin of amusement to the faces of Co. "One!" called out Shorty in stentorian tones.

"Of course they are, from w'ich it follers that Mr Lewis an' the mad artist are goin' too." "And Mrs Stoutley?" asked Susan. "No; it's much too far and difficult for her." "Gillie, Gillie!" shouted a stentorian voice at this point in the conversation. "Ay, ay, Cappen," yelled Gillie, in reply.

Smith bit his lip, and looked down a little apprehensively at the small boy at his side. "I I'm not sure, Benny, but I shall have to say little boys should be seen and not " He stopped abruptly. Benny, with a stentorian shout, had run ahead to a gate before a small white cottage. On the cozy, vine-shaded porch sat a white-haired old man leaning forward on his cane.