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Crossing the bridge of twenty-one boats, which spans the Tigris, he was amid the ruins of Nineveh, and soon reached a Yezidee village, where he was hospitably received. On the 15th, as he approached Duree, near the borders of Tiary, deep Syriac gutturals from stentorian voices in the rocks above him demanded who he was, where he was going, and what he wanted.

I deemed the incident closed, when suddenly a florid gentleman on the opposite seat called out in stentorian tones: "Hi, conductor! you've cheated these ladies out of fourpence." "'Oo's cheated 'oo out 'o fourpence?" replied the indignant conductor from the top of the steps, "it was a twopenny fare." "Two twopences don't make eightpence," retorted the florid gentleman hotly.

Stackpole was apparently sleeping like a log, for ever and anon his stentorian breathing arose into something approaching a snore, that sounded tremulously, like a mysterious note from a harsh Eolian harp set in the wind.

She dropped her lorgnon, and folding her aristocratic hands upon her bosom, she once more assumed the grand manner pertaining to Versailles, and Hector having swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat, threw open the huge, folding doors and announced in a stentorian voice: "Madame la Duchesse douairière d'Agen!"

Standing over him, with all the fierce pride of a victorious gladiator showing in every curve of his glistening body, the black thoroughbred trumpeted out a stentorian call of defiance and command. The band, that had watched the struggle from a discreet distance, now came galloping in, whinnying in friendly fashion. Black Eagle had won his first fight. He had won the leadership.

But no, we could hear the stentorian tones of the skipper on the cross-trees shouting that which to any but an experienced sailor must have seemed certain suicide. "Keep her away! Keep her full! Don't starve her! Give her way! Up topsail!" the latter having been let down to allow the vessel to lie closer hauled to the wind. "Stand by to douse the head sails!

Ashby, tenderly drawing the penitent into her arms. "And oh, mumsey, mumsey where shall I ever find any one who will be as patient with the whirlwind? I suspect I'm going to be desperately homesick more days than once. But I'll truly, truly try not to disgrace you and Woodbine. Yes, we're coming Uncle Athol," as the Admiral's stentorian tones came booming up the broad stairway.

Throughout the city that night for the slaans to hear whether they would or no the broadcast stations flung their stentorian tones to the people; a speech by Maida; her promise of better things to come for the slaans; the end of Tarrano's brief rule; a reorganization of past conditions. Maida herself had never been in control in the Central State.

Dashing forward into the middle of the room, he struck me violently on the shoulders with his ferule, and, snatching the rope out of my hand, exclaimed, with a stentorian voice, and genuine Yorkshire accent, ‘Prodigy of ignorance! dost not even know how to ring a bell?

"Go and listen at the door; his room, you know, is on the other side of the landing, and you'll be able to tell in a minute whether he is asleep or not." Tom did as I requested, stealing noiselessly across the room for the purpose, returning quickly with the news that our worthy preceptor was fast in the arms of Morpheus, judging by the stentorian sound of his deep breathing.