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The young man was relating how his chief, now cruising in the Mediterranean, kept in touch with all the details of the business, arranging his office hours on his yacht just as though he were at home, and "knocking off work enough to keep two stenographers busy." His father told, in turn, the plan his corporation was considering, of putting in an electric railway plant at Cairo.

This work had been so successful as to necessitate a force of four offices and twenty stenographers. Bok now placed this Washington office on a war-basis, bringing it into close relation with every department of the government that would be connected with the war activities.

You might wonder why I didn't 'try to be a stenographer' and I wonder myself why, when a family loses its money, people always say the daughters 'ought to go and be stenographers. It's curious! as if a wave of the hand made you into a stenographer. No, I'd been raised to be either married comfortably or a well-to-do old maid, if I chose not to marry.

He took it for granted, in the lack of any impression to the contrary, that she was dressed some how. He knew her as "Miss Mason," and that was all, though he was aware that as a stenographer she seemed quick and accurate. This impression, however, was quite vague, for he had had no experience with other stenographers, and naturally believed that they were all quick and accurate.

Neither was he insensible to the benefits to be derived from publicity, and he had sent a request to Mr. Gales to report what he was to say himself, rather than to send one of his stenographers. The most graphic account of the scene in the Senate Chamber during the delivery of the speech was subsequently written virtually from Mr. Webster's dictation. Perhaps, like Mr.

"Popular enough with girls who see him in society but you ask stenographers how they like him," flushed Miss Chisholm. "I am hardly likely to converse with stenographers on the subject of Mr. Hunt," was the insolent answer. Josie determined to cultivate Miss Chisholm and to give Mrs. Claiborne a wide berth. "Where has the poor lady been put?" Josie asked Miss Oleander,

The young people get a smattering and squeeze into the bottom position and never go on south to efficiency and promotion. They wonder why their genius is not recognized. They do not make it visible. Nine out of ten stenographers who apply for positions can write a few shorthand characters and irritate a typewriter keyboard.

The old and experienced stenographers, had learned to look out for that, and to eliminate from their typewritten letters certain irrelevant and sometimes irreverent asides which Sam Hupp evidently had addressed to his pipe, or the office boy, and not intended for the tube of the all-devouring dictagraph.

We are furnished with headquarters, stationery, some printing and two stenographers, but nothing more. It is essential that we raise money to carry on the other expenses. The great trouble is that now, as always, men want women to do the work while they do the overseeing."

Another lure of the advertiser is to state that all letters are "strictly confidential and answered by women only." Perhaps they are! But he neglects to add that the women who answer these letters are simply stenographers with no medical knowledge, employed to write according to dictation, that the letters are all written according to certain forms which have been dictated by the manager.