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I am ambitious to prove to you, who have been my staunch friends, that the island is indeed there. Incidentally you will become acquainted with the prettiest place in all the world. My house will be at your disposal while you remain and I am sure you will find it fairly comfortable." They were so amazed at this proposition that at first no one found words to answer the boy.

If the great Tory nobles were staunch for the Crown, they were as resolute Englishmen in their hatred of mere tyranny as the Whigs themselves. James gave the Duke of Norfolk the sword of State to carry before him as he went to Mass. The Duke stopped at the Chapel door. "Your father would have gone further," said the king.

She had never detected any subtlety in this staunch friend of hers, and, unlike Daisy, she felt no fear of him. His blunt sincerity had never managed to wound her. And so it was almost inevitable that she should give him his opportunity at last. Late one evening she entered his consulting-room where he was busy writing. "I want to talk to you," she said. "Is it very inconvenient?"

Probably, later on, when it was performed by a big London orchestra, under the auspices of one of the best-known conductors of the day who happened to be a particular friend of Nan's and a staunch believer in her capacity to do good work Roger would even begin to take a quaint kind of pride in her musical achievements. What she purposed would involve a good deal of pluck and sacrifice.

"Will you join us, big idiot?" said Jarette, and I drew in my breath as I wondered whether the two brave fellows would prove staunch, and if they did, whether Jarette would dare to carry out his threat. "No; course I won't, you ugly piratical frog-soup-eating Frenchy." "Hit him in the mouth," said Jarette.

How hardly he himself had taken his sonship she read in the strange sadness of his face. She dared not let him see how desperately sorry for him she felt; the most perfunctory phrase might betray her. Her knowledge of his falseness stood between them like a wall; blindly she struggled to keep it staunch, not letting her rushing pity undermine and crumble it.

Thomas Jefferson Hogg was unlike Shelley in temperament and tastes. His feet were always planted on the earth, while Shelley flew aloft to heaven with singing robes around him, or the mantel of the prophet on his shoulders. Positive and practical, he chose the beaten path of life, rose to eminence as a lawyer, and cherished the Church and State opinions of a staunch Tory.

We, however, made our way to the parsonage of the village, for we had already made up our minds to ascend the steeple of the church to get a view of the surrounding country and a better hearing of the guns if possible. After a few words exchanged with the sexton a staunch Italian, as he told us he was we went up the ladder of the church spire.

Now and then he caught a glimmer of the tug's light, and its erratic motions told how the staunch little vessel fared. There was a faint radiance around the shut door of the mess hall, and Madden walked toward it rather unsteadily, with the spumy brine dashing into his face.

No, I scorn it, let me tell you I scorn it; but I thought as how this man was staunch and true, and I find he's but a double-faced fellow after all, and speechifies in the House for any side he hopes to make most by. Oh, how many fine speeches and squeezings by the hand we had of him on the canvas!