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Death cannot create nor destroy. What is, is. The little brooding Christ knows this. What is he brooding, then? His static patience and endurance is wistful. What is it that he secretly yearns for, amid all the placidity of fate? 'To be, or not to be, this may be the question, but is it not a question for death to answer. It is not a question of living or not-living.

Coburn knew that absolutely nothing could be done with a man who was trying to show off his shrewdness to his listening superiors. He said disgustedly: "That's the last straw. Go to hell!" A loud-speaker spoke suddenly. Its tone was authoritative, and there were little cracklings of static in it from its passage across the Atlantic. "That line of questioning can be dropped, Captain. Mr.

Our concept of law, in its classical form, is not general: it represents only the law of co-existence and of mechanism, the static relation between two numerically disconnected terms; and in order to grasp evolution we shall doubtless have to invent a new type of law: law in duration, dynamic relation.

In conceiving of a space of more than three dimensions we prove that our relation to God is not static, but dynamic. Christ said to the man who was sick of the palsy, "Rise, take up thy bed and walk." The narrow concept of three-dimensional space is a bed in which the human mind has lain so long as to become at last inanimate. The divine voice calls to us again to demonstrate that we are alive.

And the six helicopters, whose cylindrical, turbine-like drums gleamed with metallic glitters three on each side along the fuselage could at will produce an absolutely static condition of lift or even make the plane hover and soar quite vertically. There the monster lay, outstretching its enormous sextuple wings, each wing with an area of 376 by 82.5 feet.

"This picture is architectural, absolutely. What possessed me to try such a conception? I can only do movement. I can't be static. Earth! I don't understand it everything good I've done has been made of air and fire, or water." He turned an irritable face to Mary. "Why did you encourage me in this?" She looked up in frank astonishment, about to reply, but he forestalled her.

These instances serve to express in the industry and lives of women cloak workers the subcontracting system, long seasonal hours, home work, and an unstandardized wage the features under discussion in the cloak making trade in the spring of 1910. The whole cloak making trade of New York presents, for an outside observer, the kaleidoscopic interest of a population not static.

"And, as if that were not enough, a bigoted Roman Catholic into the bargain.... And yet and yet," he went on, taking heart a little, "as for her bigotry, to judge by her assiduity in attending the village church, that factor, at least, thank goodness, would appear to be static, rather than dynamic."

Vast masses of Facts encumbered it, aggregated in orderless heaps orderless, at least, so far as his uses were subserved. Comte had, indeed, brought the different departments of inquiry into proximately definite relations in obedience to an abstract and Static Law; but while this labor was, in other respects, an essential preliminary to Mr.

But as the scholar grows older and more able to travel, so does the Pennine Range recede from his vision, until it becomes almost as remote as those crater-strewn mountains in the Moon which have a name so similar. This elusiveness on the part of a natural feature so essentially static as a mountain range is attributable to the total disregard of the name of this particular chain of hills.