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The fact that a large proportion of deaths is directly due to digestive troubles is certainly food for thought. Such a statement alone would warrant action of some sort looking toward increased knowledge of food values and food preparation.

Certainly I have never made the statement anywhere, at any time, that this operation would cure syhpilis. The man is being treated now for syphilis, and should not have been sent to me at all. I quote the case of a woman of forty, who is normal in every way, and the picture of health at the present time.

The duke at first could not credit the statement, as he felt assured that Mazarin would not have left without taking the young king with him. Should the cardinal, in his retreat, gain possession of the king, in whose name he would issue all his orders, it would be hardly possible to avoid the horrors of a desolating civil war.

Roused by this statement to a fresh denial, Marsh cried out: "I tell you there wasn't any woman." "And there isn't any knife either," Emerson sneered. The men paused uncertainly. Seeing that they were undecided whether to believe him or his assailant, Marsh went on: "If he hasn't a knife, then he must have had a friend with him "

This statement, made by Hugh Mainwaring and attested by numerous witnesses present, will now be read by Mr. Montague." Amid an impressive silence, Mr.

"Then," said the Admiral, "may I take it that, if an opportunity were to offer for you to enter the King's service, you would accept it?" "Undoubtedly you may, sir," answered I excitedly, as the drift of the conversation suggested itself to me for the first time. Then, in a flash, I qualified my statement by adding: "Of course I mean if I could enter as a commissioned officer.

If she had not been under the effect of an early prepossession in favour of Walter, she might have doubted the sincerity of his statement, as it came from his own mouth.

There was no anger in his voice, not even protest. It was a simple statement of denial that at the same time had no resistance in it. "Well, don't you be cruel," Eve exclaimed shortly, and her eyes turned once more in the direction of Peter Blunt's hut. Her pretty face was very thoughtful. Her sun-tanned cheeks, her tall, rounded body were the picture of health.

It's human nature that ninety-nine out of every hundred of them" his voice rose a little bitterly "would probably be only too glad to get their money back and the mere statement that you, as the Patriarch's grand-niece, his only relative, on mature thought did not consider the project as planned advisable might suffice.

That was not generally possible, he had read in one of the books, and the statement pacified him. He had read all kinds of theological books, had easily and trustfully given himself up to the echo of words heard in childhood, but it had not gone deeper. Now that they ought to prove their worth, they left him in the lurch.