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For surely it is a great and a rare moment for humanity, when all that is loftiest in it when reverence for the Unseen powers, reverence for the heroic dead, reverence for the fatherland, and that reverence, too, for self, which is expressed in stateliness and self-restraint, in grace and courtesy; when all these, I say, can lend themselves, even for a day, to the richest enjoyment of life to the enjoyment of beauty in form and sound, and of relaxation, not brutalising, but ennobling.

Such was the extraordinary spectacle we enjoyed a spectacle in every way unique. Don Pascal Latilla, who had been lucky enough to avoid his majesty's notice, told us a number of pleasant anecdotes about the king; all shewed him in the amiable light of a friend of mirth and an enemy to all pomp and stateliness, by which kings are hedged in generally.

Nor even in their oxen is found the usual stateliness, no more than the natural ornaments and grandeur of head. In the number of their herds they rejoice; and these are their only, these their most desirable riches. Silver and gold the Gods have denied them, whether in mercy or in wrath, I am unable to determine.

Against the blue of the October morning sky the house, with its dignified Georgian lines, was not without a certain stateliness rectangular, three-storied, mellow, with buff walls, buff chimneys, white doorways, white casements, white verandas, a white balustrade around the top, and a white urn at each of the four corners.

Jane threw an air of outraged dignity upon her younger sister. "So I was. And I spent a very pleasant hour with her," she said, with some stateliness. "And I am going there next Wednesday to lunch," she added. Her aunt looked at her with increasing consideration. She herself had never been honored with an invitation to the house of Mrs. "Have you known her long?"

We are not living in an age of wealth and loyalty, of pomp and stateliness, of time-honoured establishments, of pilgrimage and penance, of hermitages and convents in the wild, and of fervent populations supplying the want of education by love, and apprehending in form and symbol what they cannot read in books.

And, Miss Nugent, before I say more, I'll take a cup of TA from you, if you please. Lady Clonbrony rose, with great stateliness, and walked to the farthest end of the room, where she established herself at her writing-table, and began to write notes. Sir Terence wiped his forehead deliberately.

How noble and yet how easy was the bearing of the dignitary, who was still less than thirty years old! His figure was only slightly above middle height. What gave it the air of such royal stateliness? Certainly it was not merely his dress, which consisted wholly of velvet, silk, and satin, with the gold of the Fleece that hung below the lace ruff at his throat.

If these portals are strangely unimportant, their insignificance does not detract materially from the stateliness of the apse, which is created by its great height one hundred and thirty feet in the interior measurement and the magnificent flying-buttresses. These flying-buttresses give to the exterior its most curious and beautiful effect.

Then, slowly, she withdrew herself from his clasp, and as slowly moved backward to the broken stair. He waited by the stone seat, for she must go secretly and in silence, and he might not, as in old times, lead her with stateliness through the ways of Ferne House.