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Three times the Emperor came against the Greeks, each time with a new army larger than before. Twice did Sir Guy vanquish the host, and drive them from the walls. The third time he took Sir Gaire, the Emperor's son, prisoner, and carried him into the city. Then the Emperor Regnier determined, since he could not take the place by assault, to beleaguer it, and starve the town into surrender.

We'll show 'em they can't starve and hammer and shoot free-born Americans just 'cause they've got guns in their pockets." The pilot looked forward, nodded to one of the three, who beckoned to him, and asked: "Who'd you elect captain?" "Nobody," they roared. "We had enough o' captains. This ship's an unlimited democracy everybody just as good as the next man; that is, all but the dogs.

Complaint was made to the Emperor, that he converted their Estates to his own Use, and left them all to starve; he was therefore, by the Emperor's Consent, and to satisfy the People, brought to a Tryal. The Religion of the Cacklogallinians.

It wants the closed shop, and, if it can get it by starving you, why, starve you shall." "I notice that you have profited in the past by those very labour gouges you mention," insinuated Brentwood, one of the wiliest and most astute of our corporation lawyers. "The receiver is as bad as the thief," he sneered. "You had no hand in the gouging, but you took your whack out of the gouge."

"No, I didn't pass the place. Tell me how I can get to the mining camp, even if you won't let me have anything to eat," begged the boy. "My companions will starve before I can get back unless I get help to them soon." "Got a compass?" "Yes." "Then lay yer course north by northwest three p'ints and ye'll hit the Red Star plumb in the eye if ye don't miss it," and the miner laughed coarsely.

"Why, when he wants money, hang it!" She drew a deep breath. "Money money? Has Caspar's example been nothing to you, then?" "It hasn't proved to me that I must starve while Mungold lives on truffles!" Again her face changed and she stirred uneasily, and then rose to her feet. "There is no occasion which can justify an artist's sacrificing his convictions!" she exclaimed.

He threatened to discharge the cook, and bitterly complained that as he did not die quickly enough for them, they were conspiring to starve him.

It always was contended by the cowman that these settlers coming in on the semi-arid range could not make a living there, that all they could do was legally to starve to death some good woman. True, many of them could not last out in the bitter combined fight with nature and the grasping conditions of commerce and transportation of that time.

"Since I came into the world," wrote Alva, "I have never, been in such anxiety. If they should succeed in cutting off the communication along the dykes, we should have to raise the siege of Harlem, to surrender, hands crossed, or to starve." Orange was fully aware of the position of both places, but he was, as usual, sadly deficient in men and means.

It is five years since I fled the face of my lord, Edmund of Aescendune, for I had slain his red deer, and sold them for filthy lucre, and I feared to meet his face; so I fled to the great city, even London, where I was like to starve, till a Jew, who saw my distress, took pity on me, and gave me shelter.