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When he had eaten his toast, and drunk his tea, apparently without any enjoyment, Mr. Lindsay rose with his book in his hand, and withdrew to his study. He had not long left the room when Mysie was startled by a loud knock at the back door, which opened on a lane, leading along the top of the hill.

She removed her ear-rings and rings, and put them into the vase; but here reverie overtook her once more, and held her in a meditative half-smile, until consciousness revived, and startled the blood into her cheeks. She walked over to her little sofa, with dispatch and business in her step, and sat down to unlace her boots.

His clasp was so ardent that it startled her into forgetting everything for one instant, everything that except these clasping hands loved her hands, loved her. That instant was exquisitely sweet to her. There was a stinging sweetness in it, a mystery of sweetness, as if their four hands were four souls longing to be lost in one another. "Now you'll trust me," he said.

Man and woman startled each other, but neither exclaimed, and Mrs. May spoke. "Who is it?" she asked; and Masters answered: "Oh, my gracious! Terrible sorry, ma'am! If I didn't think " "What on earth are you doing, Masters?" "Much the same as you, I expect, ma'am. I thought just to creep along and see if the reverend gentleman was all right. And he is.

An answer came so quickly that it startled him, not one voice, but two three and one of them the shrill agonized cry of a woman. They came toward him as he continued to shout, until a few feet away he could make out a gray blur moving through the gloom. He went to it, staggering under the weight of the man he had found in the snow.

Their eyes met again. She turned her head quickly, but he was certain that she had followed his movements from the beginning. Toward the close of the exercises, the congregation was startled by the sound of an ax smiting wood. The blows were rapid and vigorous. The surprised people looked at each other first in wonder and then in consternation. Who was guilty of this unseemly sacrilege?

There was no answer and we were too startled to say anything. Roger grew white and the strength seemed to leave his body. His eyes filled with horror and fright. "'Cynthy, sweetheart he moaned and she flew to comfort him. She let him hold her and kiss her. Then she drew his head down and kissed his hair, his eyes, his lips.

There was such hostility in his voice that the whole room was startled. Poor Craven! He really was very unwell. The sight of his tired eyes and white cheeks, the shadow of his hand quivering on his knee here were signs that all was not as it should be. Gone, now, at any rate, any possibility of a comfortable evening.

Thresk was startled as he had not expected to be; and a great wave of relief swept over him and uplifted his soul. Here was the simplest explanation, yet it had never occurred to him.

The gloom melted swiftly away before the eyes of the startled maiden, a dark form stood out against the farther wall, and the light, expanding to the full, shone clearly upon the unmoving figure and quiet face of Capitaine Lemaitre.