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"Dubisson, why has no one offered to take me to my wife?" The man laughed rather helplessly. "'T is from no lack of respect for either of you, monsieur. But you said nothing, and Starling" "Yes, it is from Starling that I wish to hear." "Well, Starling has said Monsieur, why repeat the man's gossip?" "Go on, Dubisson." "After all, it is only what the Englishman has said.

Knowlton the next time, she was conscious of no discomposure; and he was struck with the placid elegance of manner, formed in no school, which was the very outgrowth of the truth within her. His own manner grew unconsciously deferential. It is the most flattering homage a man can render a woman. Mrs. Starling had delivered her mind, and thereafter she was content to be very civil to him.

He stared at her, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and still he stood respectfully in the doorway. "That is all, Starling." "I beg pardon, madam. How how many will there be at the table?" "Just Mr. Chiltern and I," she replied. But she did not look at him. It was superstition, undoubtedly. She was well aware that Starling had not believed that the set would be used again.

"And is he not pleased that Philo calls him 'father, and you 'mother, and me by my name, and that he learns to distinguish many things?" asked the girl. "Oh, yes of course," said the woman. "He says you are teaching him to speak just as if he were a starling, and we are very much obliged to you." "That is not what I want," interrupted Klea.

That fire-eating English lad that you have with you I warrant that he has proved a porcupine to travel with must be of some importance. At all events, an Englishman, who gives his name as Starling, has made his way here in pursuit. He tells a fair tale. He says that the lad, who is dear as a brother to him, is a cousin, who was captured in an Indian raid on the frontier.

They will be as cunning as he, and the robin will wind his alarum-clock, the starling in the plum-tree will cry out like a hysterical drake, and the blackbird will make as much noise as a farmyard. The cat can but blink at the clamour of such a host of cunning sentinels and, pretending that he had come out only to take the air, return majestically to his dinner of leavings in the kitchen.

He put his hands up to his mouth, as a pipe, and called: "The magpie will get them. The magpie will get them." "Who is it that wants to frighten me?" asked the starling, and flapped his wings uneasily. "It is Captured-by-Crows that frightens you," said the boy. This time the crow-chief didn't attempt to hush him up.

The exceptions to this rule among European birds appear to be very few. Among our own birds, the cuckoos and the blue jays build open nests, without presenting any noticeable difference in the coloring of the two sexes. The same is true of the pewees, the kingbird, and the sparrows, while the common bluebird, the oriole, and the orchard starling afford examples the other way.

Total, 22 species, 181 individuals. FRANK NOVAK, Warden. Dec. 25; 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Cloudy; ground mostly bare, with some remaining patches of snow; wind southeast, light; temperature 45 degrees to 54 degrees. Herring Gull, 70; Black Duck, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 2; Starling, 24; Junco, 4; Song Sparrow, 2; Cardinal, 2; Chickadee, 5. Total, 8 species, 110 individuals. MR. and MRS. G. CLYDE FISHER.

He was still shaking painfully, and water from the cup in his hand splashed over him. "My name," he said slowly, "my name is is Benjamin Starling." I took the cup away. "I am waiting," I said after a pause. "Waiting for what, monsieur?" When he willed, he could speak winningly, and he did it now. I took paper from my pocket. "For your real name," I answered.