United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It isn't done." Fulkerson turned from staring at the bust to which he had mounted. "What you fretting about that letter for? I don't want your letter." Beaton stopped biting his cigarette and looked at him. "Don't want my letter? Oh, very good!" he bristled up. He took his cigarette from his lips, and blew the smoke through his nostrils, and then looked at Fulkerson.

One day when Robinson was walking along the sand towards his boat, suddenly, close to the water, he stopped as if he had been shot, and, with thumping heart, stood staring in wonder and fear at something that he saw. The mark of a naked foot on the sand! It could not be his own, he knew, for the shape was quite different. Whose could it be?

Hereon the dairy-mother turned to depart, but suddenly stood quite still, staring at Anne Wolde; at length said, "Did I not see thee years ago spinning flax in my mother's cellar, when the folk wanted to bring thee to an ill end?"

She was staring hard at the few, faint traces of landmarks; and, bundled in the red-and-yellow Navajo blanket, with her bright, dark eyes, she might easily have passed for a slim young squaw. Out ahead, a dog began barking vaguely, and Rowdy turned eagerly to the sound.

Looking back, Dolly saw Jake Hoover, a stupid look in his round eyes, staring after them. "Bessie! Let him see you!" she begged. "I want him to know how he was fooled! I bet he's just the sort of boy to go around saying what poor things girls are, and how little use he has for them!" Bessie stood up on the back platform, and Jake saw her. The sight seemed to drive him frantic.

"We had arrived at a point which I believed to be, rightly as the event proved, immediately beneath the fort, and I was staring contemplatively up at the face of the cliff which towered above us, when we came abreast of a sort of cleft in the rock, at the foot of which lay several big boulders in a great pile, some of which were in the water.

She rarely looked at the coffin, yet whenever she did so her face expressed a sort of childish fear. Katenka stood near her mother, and, despite her lengthened face, looked as lovely as ever. Woloda's frank nature was frank also in grief. He stood looking grave and as though he were staring at some object with fixed eyes.

"Take no thought for the morrow." Be quiet, Helena! he exclaimed as the reality bit him. He sat up suddenly. 'Why? she asked, afraid. 'Why! he repeated. He remained sitting, leaning forward on the sand, staring intently at Helena. She looked back in fear at him. The moment terrified her, and she lost courage.

"Here comes Ralph! Don't look!" commanded Brother hastily. Sister promptly dived under the bedclothes, and when Ralph softly opened the door lest the children were still asleep he saw Brother staring eagerly toward him and a little lump in the middle of Sister's bed. "Well, young man, how does it feel to be six years old?"

Upon which the children were supplied with cakes, and some ham and chicken were provided for the rest of the company; with which while they were regaling themselves with the highest satisfaction, two young fellows walking arm-in-arm, came up, and when they came opposite to Amelia they stood still, staring Amelia full in the face, and one of them cried aloud to the other, "D n me, my lord, if she is not an angel!"