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An' there he was, starin' as if he'd found a gold mine, at the wee, red-headed fellow we've got. An' no wonder, either; for he's as like our Joey would 'a' been as two peas.

No, and he wouldn't feel so terribly bad if Mother 'Larkey and little Kathleen didn't like him, either. "You ain't lost your tongue, have you?" cried Danny. "Maybe the cat's got it," said Celia Jane, following as usual her elder brother's lead and laughing at her own wit. "What you starin' at so hard, Jerry?" called Chris.

He couldn't help, in spite av himself, lookin' now an' thin at the picthur, an' he immediately obsarved that the eyes av it was follyin' him about, an' starin' at him, an' winkin' at him, wheriver he wint. "Oh," says he, when he seen that, "it's a poor chance I have," says he; "an' bad luck was with me the day I kem into this unforthunate place," says he.

I got his clothes off him how I could, for he was like a child in my hands, and sat starin' at the fire as helpless as any baby; only givin' a long heavy sigh now and then, as if his heart was a-goin' to bust.

That's what you owe to HIM. Don't stand there like a stuck fool starin' at him. He won't eat you though he's killed many a better man. Come, have I got to do ALL the kissin'?"

And give 'em all my kind regards. Then she counts the money out as deliberate as if she were payin' the cook's wages, and drops it into the plate wi' a clatter as could be heard all over the church. She must ha' kep' me waitin' full two minutes, all the congregation starin' and wonderin' what was up, and me lookin' like a silly calf.

"'I don't know as it will be necessary began the big feller, but the woman interrupted him. She was starin' through her thick veil at the barn door. Sim Butler, in his overalls and ragged shirt sleeves, was leanin' against that door, interested as the rest of us in what was goin' on. "'I would have it put there, I think, says the woman, lofty and superior.

"Then where?" asks Aunty. "Cooperstown," says he, reachin' for a paper bag and shootin' the tea in skillful. "Anything more, Madam?" "Cooperstown!" echoes Aunty. "Why, I haven't been there since I was a girl." "Yes, I know," says he. "You didn't even finish at high school. Cut sugar, did you say, Madam?" "A box," says Aunty, starin' puzzled. "Perhaps you attended the same school?" He nods.

Her line was marryin' us, singly and in squads; overlookin' complete that she had one perfectly good hubby who was an aide or something to King Albert, as well as three nice youngsters. We heard about that later, after she'd come to a little." For a minute or so Waddy stands there starin' at Joe with his mouth open and his shoulders sagged. Then he slumps on a log and lets his chin drop.

You hev no idee, ontil it's done to you, how worryin' it is when a drunken man jest sets an' stares at you fur hours together in that fool way. I give Jack fair warnin' time and agen when he was sober that I'd hurt him ef he kep' on starin' at me like that; but then he'd get drunk agen right off, an' at it he'd go.