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You know that the materials of our food and the greater portion of plants are composed of starch, and we are constantly making use of it in a variety of ways, so that there is always a quantity of it suspended in the air. It is these starch grains which form many of those bright specks that we see dancing in a ray of light sometimes.

Allow it to cool, and then add the starch, and one cup of milk, a pinch of salt, a little grated lemon-rind, and two yolks of eggs. Mix all thoroughly, then strain through a sieve, then put on the stove again, and over a moderate fire, stir it constantly, always in the same direction, until it has assumed the thickness you desire. Hard boil four eggs; cut into several pieces.

While the mastication is going on the saliva becomes mixed with the food. In the saliva is the ptyalin, which begins to digest the starch. Starch that is well masticated is not so liable to ferment as that which gets scant attention in the mouth. Starches and nuts need the most thorough mastication.

Two days after this, the water is laded out from the tub, and the starch appears in the bottom, but covered over with a dark-coloured and inferior kind of starch, which is taken off, and employed for fattening hogs.

When I got to the top of that hill, and it is something like a hill too, the sort of thing that will work the starch out of poor old Rocky if we take the wagon that way, the men had disappeared and there was no one in sight for miles and miles. Presently I saw someone coming towards me mounted on a jolly fine horse, and I felt quaky from my hat right down to my boots.

It will be recognized by the blue colour which it gives with starch. =Iodide of Potassium.= Colourless, generally opaque, cubic crystals, soluble in less than their weight of cold water. Symptoms. Not an active poison, but even small doses sometimes produce the effects of a common cold, including those symptoms already mentioned as occurring with iodine. Analysis.

His cousin's devotion to child and husband appealed to his heart. She seemed to be perfect of her kind. Africa had boiled most of the starch out of Mr. Heard. But his acquaintance with some of the saddest and wildest aspects of womanhood only deepened his conviction of the sanctity of the sex.

"There's nothing that takes the starch out of women and shows 'em their place quicker than that." "But we can't stay drunk. We got to go home some time or other and have it out with 'em after we are sober and penitent," put in still another victim philosophically.

Louis, with Fremont. Been at it ever since. Offered a commission in the reg'lar service lots o' times. Refused." "Why?" asked Brant demurely. "Too much West Point starch around to suit ME," returned Hooker darkly. "And too many spies!" "Spies?" echoed Brant abstractedly, with a momentary reminiscence of Miss Faulkner. "Yes, spies," continued Hooker, with dogged mystery.

Now she's married to Justin she'll be the makin' of him, or I miss my guess. You can't do a thing with men folks without they're right alongside where you can keep your eye and hand on 'em. Justin's handsome and good and stiddy; all he need is some nice woman to put starch into him. The Edgewood Peabodys never had a mite o' stiffenin' in 'em, limp as dishrags, every blessed one!