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Hough turned to speak to Stanton. "Ruby's going to make trouble." "No!" exclaimed the woman, with eyes lighting. Neale then saw that the girl Ruby, with a short, bold-looking fellow who packed a gun, and several companions of both sexes, had come in from the dance-hall and had taken up a position near him. Stanton went over to them. She drew Ruby aside and talked to her.

Stanton reached her house and entered. Festivities in honor of the last night of Benton were already riotously in order. She placed herself well back in the shadow and watched the wide door. "The first man who enters I'll give him this key!" she hissed. She was unsteady on her feet. All her frame quivered. The lights in the hall seemed to have a reddish tinge. She watched. Several men passed out.

He was briefed to appear in an important case outside Illinois with an eminent lawyer from the East, Edwin M. Stanton; but he was not allowed to open his mouth, for Stanton snuffed him out with supreme contempt, and he returned home crestfallen. Stanton before the war was a strong Democrat, but hated slavery.

Stanton, with her house and her large family, had no desire for this position. Miss Anthony herself was not a writer, and many times of late years had agitated the question of raising money to have Lucy Stone and her husband at the head of a paper, they having now signified their willingness to hold such a place.

"I dare to put this thing raw to your face because I know the man that once lived within you. I saw you !" "Don't harp on that," Stanton cut in viciously. "You know nothing about it." "I do harp on that. I have come here to harp on that. Do you think that if I had not with my eyes seen that thing I would have come near you at all? No.

I have found it impossible to ascertain what has hitherto been expended on the army. I much doubt whether even Mr. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury, or Mr. Stanton, the Secretary of War, know themselves, and I do not suppose that Mr. Stanton's predecessor much cared.

Mayhew accompanied her daughter to her room, but Ida told her that she was too weary to answer a single question, and that she wished to be alone. "Van, may I speak with you?" Stanton had asked, anxiously. When they were sufficiently far from the house to ensure privacy he began again: "Van, what's the matter? You were as white as if you had seen a ghost."

Patsy ran for some water. Maud Stanton fanned the man with a folded newspaper. Arthur Weldon picked up the telegram which had fluttered from Le Drieux's grasp and deliberately read it. Then he, too, sank gasping into a chair. "Listen, girls!" he cried, his voice shrill with emotion. "What do you think of this? "'Jack Andrews arrested here in New York to-day by Burns detectives.

Stanton gazed at his nephew as if he did not know what to make of it. "What are your plans?" he asked. "What are you going to do?" "I sail for Europe next week," said Herbert, enjoying his uncle's surprise. "Sail for Europe!" ejaculated Mr. Stanton, scarcely believing his ears. "Yes, I am to go to school there, and shall probably remain three or four years."

I wish I could get a line on what's underneath that girl's curly topknot," he said, fervently. Apparently absorbed by that speculation, Lawyer Despeaux again gave close attention to the tableau on the landing presented by Lana, Mrs. Stanton, and Morrison. When Governor North marched up the stairs, said his vociferous say, and marched down again Despeaux grunted his satisfaction.