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Senators Evarts, of New York; Spooner, of Wisconsin; Teller, of Colorado; Stanford, of California; Gray, of Delaware; Brown, of Georgia; Blackburn, of Kentucky; and Walthall, of Mississippi, were a few of the prominent men who entered the Senate at the beginning of the Cleveland Administration. Senator Evarts was recognized for many years as the leader of the American Bar.

What was the cause of Rose's icy indifference? He looked at her, then at Stanford, then back at her, and set himself to watch. "She has met him before," thought the shrewd Doctor; "but where, if he has just come from England? I'll ask him, I think." It was some time before there was a pause in the conversation. In the first, Dr. Frank struck in. "How did you come, Mr. Stanford?" he asked.

An automobile race offered as the chief event in a Frontier Day Celebration! No wonder that Mrs. Manning said to her husband that day, "But Stan, where are the cowboys?" Stanford Manning answered laughingly, "Oh, they are here, all right, Helen; just wait a little and you will see." Mr. and Mrs.

Oakes Ames, head of the company, and a member of Congress, finally hit upon the auspicious scheme. It was the same scheme that the Vanderbilts, Gould, Sage, Blair, Huntington, Stanford, Crocker and other railroad magnates employed to defraud stupendous sums of money. Ames produced the alluring plan of a construction company.

When she gave her father his good-morning kiss, she only whispered in his ear: "I am so glad, papa." And the Captain had smiled, and patted her pale cheek, and sat down to breakfast, talking genially right and left. After breakfast, Doctor Frank, Mr. Stanford, and M. La Touche, with the big dog Tiger at their heels, and guns over their shoulders, departed for a morning's shooting.

Stanford Newel, Captain Alfred T. Mahan, of the United States Navy, Captain William Crozier, of the United States Army, and the Hon. Frederick W. Holls, secretary.

Talks with President Gr<e'>vy and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Barth<e'>lemy-Saint-Hilaire. The better side of France. Talk with M. de Lesseps. The salon of Madame Edmond Adam. <E'>mile de Girardin. My recollections of Alexander Dumas. Sainte-Beuve. Visit to Nice. Young Leland Stanford. Visit to Florence. Ubaldino Peruzzi. Professor Villari. A reproof from a Harvard professor. Minghetti.

My own dear father is dead, and Wilhelm found me left alone in the Black Forest." "Found in the Black Forest alone!" said Ada. Here was indeed a romance to take the fancy of an imaginative, impulsive girl like Adeline Stanford; and leaving Frida with her story unfinished, she darted off to her parents to tell them what she had heard.

Rose wiped her eyes gracefully; but wouldn't look at him. "That's a good girl!" said Stanford. "I will agree to everything rather than offend you. You love M. La Touche, and you hate me. Will that do?" "Let us go back," said Rose, stiffly, getting up. "I don't see what you mean by such talk. I know it is wrong and insulting." "Do you feel insulted?" he asked, smiling down at her.

In fact, elegant book-binding is coming to be recognized as one of the foremost of the decorative arts. The art of designing book-covers and patterns for gilding books has engaged the talents of many artists, among whom may be named Edwin A. Abbey, Howard Pyle, Stanford White, and Elihu Vedder. Nor have skilful designs been wanting among women, as witness Mrs.