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Stan was startled by what he saw. There was a sunken runway leading into an underground hangar. Domber beamed. "Not a bomb ever falls here. Above our shops there is a church and a schoolhouse. We do much valuable research here and cannot afford to be disturbed." Stan looked along the runway.

I'd like to soak him one with his share of Clark's Field!" "Providence blesses as well as curses," warned the old judge. "And it's chief work, I take it, is educational to develop all that is possible from within. Remember that, sir, when you are 'soaking' Cousin Stan." "The educational can wait until we've done some correctin'!" They all laughed. And presently they parted.

He walked to the picture of Hitler and connected the microphone again. "You will report at once for mess. Heil Hitler!" Hans clicked his heels and did an about-face. He moved out of the room almost goose-stepping. Stan grinned after him. "Get up, you bum," he called to O'Malley. O'Malley got out of bed and began dressing. Within ten minutes they were in the hall.

"'Scuse me," he said, "but 'pears like I can't stan' another minit, what with bein' up all night with Miss Dory, an' gwine 'crost the lake twiste for nothin', 'case I didn't find him." By this time Mr. Mason had recognized the negro as one he had seen occasionally around the hotel selling vegetables and eggs, and who he had heard the people say was worth his weight in gold.

Stan opened his eyes and found himself in a big room with stone walls and high windows. Sun was streaming in through two of the windows and gleamed upon piles of straw littering the floor. A dozen Yank airmen and several R.A.F. men sat on the straw. Stan lifted his hand to the back of his head and groaned. An R.A.F. man near him said: "A bit of a tough rap? Can I get you some water?

"Yes, kurnel; got to 'tend upon Massa Lawrence; but if you'll allow me to stan' behind his chair an' wait, I'll be much pleased to listen to all you says, an' put in a word now an' den if you chooses." And so, good reader, all things came about as the little princess of the Incas had arranged, long before, in her own self-willed little mind. Shall we trouble you with the details? Certainly not.

"And so he brought you away, Katie?" inquired Reuben's Sam, who was, of course, present. "Well, I jes reckon he did some! He made dem Stingy Island barbariums stan' roun' now, I tell you, chillun." Katie went on with her lecture. Her version of the fate of Lord Vincent, Mrs. Dugald, and Frisbie was rather a free one.

Thar ain't any path so narrer, but he's a walkin' in it, by my side, all day; 'n' come night, I sleep with him ter one side, 'n' my wife 't other; 'n' I can't stan' it. Them's ther very words I heered him say, 'n' I wuzn't ennythin' but a mite, but I didn't furgit it.

However, I'm committed to the thing now, so I'll stuff it out, I suppose, though I'm not sure, after all, that I wouldn't chuck the whole thing if it wasn't that I wanted to see how Mellicent will enjoy her pink dresses. How many pink dresses will a hundred thousand dollars buy, anyway, I mean PRETTY pink dresses, all fixed up with frills and furbelows? As ever yours, STAN er JOHN SMITH.

Stan adjusted himself and checked his instruments. He eased down against the shock pad and waited. O'Malley went knifing away and he wheeled in behind. Hoiking the P-51's tail he sent her off and up. Quickly the big fighters, each with a bomb load tucked in where ordinarily extra tanks would nestle, closed into formation. The flight leader, Colonel Wellman held them in tight formation.