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Passing through the outer hall, they saw that the lecture was still going on in the living room. They went up the stairs. Stan opened the door and O'Malley shoved into the room close behind him. They stood looking at Sim's bunk. The straw ticking of the mattress had been slit open and some of the straw was scattered on the floor. Sim was not in the room. Stan walked over to a little table.

Suddenly Stan realized that he did not have a scrap of evidence on him to prove he was a Yank officer. The Germans had taken all identification away from him. A man came up the street and halted the bobby. He showed the policeman something. The bobby looked at Stan, then turned back to his beat. The man sauntered on a few steps and paused to look into a shop window.

"'David Harum, she says, with her mouth shut all but a little place in the corner toward me, 'if you don't take me out o' this place, I'll go without ye, she says. "'Don't you think you c'd stan' it a little longer? I says. 'Mebbe they've sent home fer their clo'es, I says. He, he, he, he! But with that she jest give a hump to start, an' I see she meant bus'nis.

But he was afraid that he should suddenly find Stan pulling the whole forest down on his head. This time, as it was the end of the year's service, it seemed as if the discussion would never cease. Stan did not want to listen at all, but had set his mind upon flinging the forest on his back at any rate.

Now, I've no objection to 'em, only that they ought to work grown folks an' not children. They may kill me if they can," she laughed, "I am grown, an' can stan' it, but I can't bear to think of 'em killin' my little brothers an' sisters they're entitled to live until they get grown anyway." She stopped to cough and to show Helen how to untangle some threads.

No one has ever escaped from the Bloodhound." "Bloodhound?" "That is a pet name my Dutch friends have given me." He smiled at Stan. "But come, we are being delayed." A gate opened and a man in coveralls came up to meet them. Domber spoke to him and the man walked with them to a locked door in a second wall. Producing a key, he opened the door and let them through.

A startled battery opened up as he flipped over so low down he could see the buttons on the artillery men's uniforms. The firing was wild, but it roused gunners out on the Hook of Holland. There the Jerries did some closer shooting. But Stan was dusting the concrete emplacements and the gunners did not get their hearts into the job. Stan flipped up over blue water with a grin on his face.

He grinned at Stan once and shook his head. Stan winked at him. Herr Domber showed up in a sports outfit. His white spats gleamed and his yellow tie shone. Domber was in a very genial mood. "You are progressing?" he asked. "I'm getting the thing together, but I don't know whether it will work," Stan said.

I shouldn't wonder if that was what they've had a fresh row about. She's p'raps gone away, an's made up her mind not to come back again. 'An' i' the right on't, too, said Betty. 'I'd ha' overrun him long afore now, if it had been me. I wouldn't stan' bein' mauled as she is by no husband, not if he was the biggest lord i' the land.

He tole her it wuz his love for her dat hed made 'im stan' fust at school an' collige, an' hed kep' 'im good an' pure; an' now he wuz gwine 'way, wouldn' she let it be like 'twuz in ole times, an' ef he come back from de war wouldn' she try to t'ink on him ez she use' to do when she wuz a little guirl?