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The girl struck a hand on the king's shoulder so passionately that he jumped and snorted. "Some day," she said tensely, "El Rey will run th' Ironwoods off their feet an' I'll run th' heart out of their master, damn him! Put th' horses out. It's supper time." She threw her right limb over the stallion's neck swiftly and with lithe grace, and slid abruptly to the ground.

"Here is a bottle of goat's blood. I will bring weapons, and I will join you as soon as possible after I have made sure that the temple priests, and all Daphne, are positive about your death. Now mount and ride!" Sextus swung on to the stallion's back as if a catapult had thrown him.

I stood before The Big Train's stall, fascinated by his wicked attempts to get at me until Blister's attention was attracted by the thud of the stallion's hoofs against the lower door. "Come on back here 'n' set down 'n' let that hoss get his rest, he ordered. I obeyed. "Why on earth did you take him?" I asked, when once more seated on the bale of straw.

All went well until they reached the garden, and Juan was beginning to congratulate himself on making his escape so easily, when suddenly and without warning, the Chestnut stopped short, reached round with his head, and seizing Juan by the leg with his teeth, jerked him to the ground. Juan heard the stallion's fierce cry of rage, and that was the end.

Every surrounding object was buried in silence save that from the neighboring Dens of the royal steeds, came the sound of the rattle of a chain, or of the stamp of a stallion's hoof. If he risked escaping from the camp now, he could not fail to be seen and stopped.

Give your hosses their heads and turn loose!" They pulled their guns to their shoulders and sent a volley at the outlaw. One bullet clipped a spark from the rocks just behind the stallion's feet; the other two must have gone wide. Once more Barry flinched closer over the neck of Satan and once again the horse answered with a fresh burst of speed, but in a few moments he came back to them.

But the Indian's moccasined foot shot up under the stallion's ear and pressed him back. Then the roan hugged Silvermane so close that half the time the Navajo virtually rode two horses. But for the rigidity of his arms, and the play and sudden tension of his leg-muscles, the Indian's work would have appeared commonplace, so dexterous was he, so perfectly at home in his dangerous seat.

Slone was a wild-horse hunter, a rider, and when that second of incredulity flashed by, then came the moment of triumph. No moment could ever equal that one, when he realized he stood there with a rope around that grand stallion's neck. All the days and the miles and the toil and the endurance and the hopelessness and the hunger were paid for in that moment.

The lama, sumptuously fed by Mahbub's Baltis, was already asleep in a corner of one of the stalls. Kim lay down beside him and laughed. He knew he had rendered a service to Mahbub Ali, and not for one little minute did he believe the tale of the stallion's pedigree.

"In fighting ring where steed meets steed, The sluggish brute of mongrel breed, Certes will shrink back nothing less Before the stallion's dauntlessness, Than Gisli before me to-day; As, casting shame and clothes away, And sweating o'er the marsh with fear, He helped the wind from mouth and rear."