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I find in the twenty-first chapter of the Acts an account of Paul having been mobbed in the city of Jerusalem; that he was protected by a Chief Captain and some soldiers; that, when upon the stairs of the castle to which he was being taken for protection, he obtained leave from the Captain to speak unto the people.

Robson readily offered her arm, and with many apologies for the disordered state of the house, led her up stairs to the room which had been the count's house.

"Gordon!" Murdoch said faintly. He turned to put his head down. From the stairs, a sudden cry and thump sounded, and something hit the floor. Gordon jumped toward the sound, to find the old lady bending over the inert figure of Sheila Corey. "I heard someone," the woman said. She stared at the brandy bottle sickly. "Gott in Himmel, look at me.

Far off he could see lights of houses, but the foreground was all darkness and mystery. 'What lies between us and those lights? he asked. 'It must be Brompton Cemetery, sir, said Albert. 'The garden gives on the cemetery, I expect. As if suddenly possessed by a demon, Hugo flew out of the room, down the stairs, into the garden.

"We now descend another flight of stairs into Turtle Pass, where a large turtle rests beside the path, and just beyond is the Confederate Cross-roads, where the fissure is crossed by another forming a cross with perfect right angles.

But ere I could do so, she came down the carpeted stairs leaning on her father's arm, graceful and beautiful, while by her side walked Farquharson in full Highland costume, eager and attentive. A smile was upon her lips as she listened, and then her eyes met mine. Her face went pale, and she was near fainting.

"Show me the man that wouldn't!" he said; and turning, marched his unresisting prisoner up the stairs. "Why can't you leave me alone? What do you want with me?" Half-sullenly, half-aggressively, Guy Ranger flung the questions, standing with lowering brow before his captor. His head was down and his eyes raised with a peculiar, brutish expression.

Seabury had picked her up and carried her up the stairs and comforted her... and told her what it meant these strange harsh men seizing her in the open sunshine, as they swept past covering her mouth with hard hands and hurrying her out of the city to this stifling place. She loved Mrs. Seabury. Perhaps they would put her in prison... and never let her out and Mollie would not get well.

After hastily agreeing to the day's bill of fare, he asked the steward in what part of the building the chambers of mystery were; and when he learned that the stairs leading up to them began close to the kitchens, which had been arranged for Caesar's convenience under the temple laboratory, Caracalla declared in a condescending tone that he would go to look round the scene of the cook's labors.

I know wot travellin's like. I've travelled a bit myself in my time. That 'addick ain't as niffy as it smells!..." She closed the door behind her and he could hear her quick steps all the way down the stairs to the ground floor. "That's a queer sort of woman," he said to himself.