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And in a very few minutes Delia and I were crouching on the timbers, each with a cask inverted over us, our noses at the bungholes and our ears listening to Master Pottery's footsteps as they climb'd heavily back to deck. The rest of the casks were stack'd close round us, so that even had the gloom allow'd, we could see nothing at all. "Jack!" "Delia!" "Dost feel heroical at all?" "Not one whit.

I took out a dozen, felt in my pocket for Delia's kerchief that she had given me, caught up a pike from the pile stack'd in the corner, and softly blowing out my light, stood back to be conceal'd by the door, when it open'd. The footsteps still descended. I heard an aged voice muttering "Shrivel my bones ugh! ugh! Wintry work wintry work!

The familiar delicious perfume fills the barns and lanes. As you go along you see the fields of grayish white slightly tinged with yellow, the loosely stack'd grain, the slow-moving wagons passing, and farmers in the fields with stout boys pitching and loading the sheaves. The corn is about beginning to tassel.

The corn, stack'd in its cone-shaped stacks, russet-color'd and sere a large field spotted thick with scarlet-gold pumpkins an adjoining one of cabbages, showing well in their green and pearl, mottled by much light and shade melon patches, with their bulging ovals, and great silver-streak'd, ruffled, broad-edged leaves and many an autumn sight and sound beside the distant scream of a flock of guinea-hens and pour'd over all the September breeze, with pensive cadence through the tree tops.