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I knew you'd like to have it on the parlor table." It was the "Iliad"! Mrs. Wiggs held it at arm's-length and, squinting her eyes, read: "Home of an Island." "That ain't what the man called it," said Lovey Mary. "Oh, it don't matter 'bout the name. It's a beautiful book, jes matches my new tidy. You couldn't 'a' pleased me better."

In olden times the goddess of justice was represented in this country with her eyes shut, but now she looks round on the world like a squinting woman who winks at the king with one eye, and glances with the other at the money in the hand of the accuser or the accused.

"Where on earth are you squinting now, boy?" said he, a bit huffy at not making her out and apparently inclined to Spokeshave's opinion that I had not really seen her at all. "Where away?" "There, sir, away to leeward," cried I, almost jumping over the bridge rail in my excitement. "She's nearly abreast of our mizzen chains and not a mile off. She seems coming up on the port tack, sir!"

You?” replied Lucifer contemptuously; “do you imagine that Adeliza would look at you?” “Why not?” asked Belial, surveying himself complacently in the glass. He was humpbacked, squinting, and lame, and his horns stood up under his wig. The discussion ended in a wager: after which there was no retreat for Lucifer.

The lad preserved silence, lying with his eyes closed, while Archie watched him anxiously. "Did you see anything?" whispered the young subaltern at last. "Yes; a chap there in a yellow-and-red sarong, and as I was looking out, the ugly, black-looking beggar was squinting in.

Scotty reversed one motor and the houseboat turned almost in its own length. Rick watched the shore through squinting eyes, and the moment he saw the boat's forward motion cease, he dropped the big anchor over. The wind caught the houseboat again and drove it backward into the cove while the anchor line ran out.

He cut rather a pitiful figure, squatting down in the dirt and squinting about with short-sighted old eyes; and Varney felt unaccountably sorry for him. "I wouldn' los' my luck-piece for nothin'," he added, dropping to his knees. "I'm a kind of a stoop'sitious man, an' I allus was." "Perhaps I can help you; my eyes are good."

Come, Mr Scraggs, we've other business on hand just now than squinting at the scrimmages of these fellows." "Hold on," cried Scraggs with a grin; "I do believe they're going to pitch a feller over that cliff. What a crack he'll come down into the water with, to be sure. It's to be hoped the poor man is dead, for his own sake, before he takes that flight.

But Joel was in the woodshed, hauling out the precious sled that Ben had made for the boys out of some boards and old sleigh runners that had been given him. He was dragging it out with a dreadful noise from the corner where it had stayed all summer, when Polly came running out. "I don't believe it's going to snow much," she said, squinting at the feathery specks.

At Forty-ninth Street Peter turned to Dean. "Beautiful morning," he said gravely, squinting up his owlish eyes. "Probably is." "Go get some breakfast, hey?" Dean agreed with additions. "Breakfast and liquor." "Breakfast and liquor," repeated Peter, and they looked at each other, nodding. "That's logical." Then they both burst into loud laughter. "Breakfast and liquor! Oh, gosh!"