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Occasionally a permanent squint may follow. It might be said in passing, that, with one of the charming logicalities of popular reasoning, these nerve complications have been said to be caused by antitoxin, simply because the use of the antitoxin saves more children alive to develop them.

And he often did not dare to chance a bright dash of colour, but painted in a greyish gloomy key which was astonishing, when one remembered his revolutionary passions. 'For my part, said Mahoudeau, 'I feel delighted at the prospect of making them squint with my woman. Claude shrugged his shoulders. 'Oh! you'll get in, the sculptors have broader minds than the painters.

"All right, sergeant," was the reply. "I wouldn't trust too much to luck though, my lads," he continued, "but I'd squint straight along the barrel of my rifle when I fired. You may be very sorry for the Malay chap you shoot at, but I'd shoot him first and be very sorry afterwards."

I'm going to ask her to something presently." In the last word, in the pause that preceded it, there was the creeping sound of the reluctance Lady Holme felt in allowing Miss Schley to draw any closer to her life. Lord Holme did not notice it. He only said: "Right you are. Pimpernel I should like to have a squint at her." "Very well. You shall."

Well, this bird sings on the same branch! Her voice was her charm made audible! She's the most natural being I ever saw on the stage, and she can look more comedy than anybody else I ever saw act!" "Rave some more!" I pleaded. "You never talked better in your life." "Don't be an ass," he said sourly. "Let's forget her and take a squint at your affairs. Just what do you mean to do with yourself?"

Now, what tomfoolery is he up to, do you suppose? Bringing us ashore through all that beastly water just to have a shy at us! Hi, Jerry, you old joker! Show up!" cried Bluff indignantly. The only answer was a second laugh, louder than the first. "I declare he's up in that blessed tree, after all, and yet for the life of me I can't get a squint at him.

She appeared to avoid looking me in the face, though she did so once or twice; and on each of these occasions her eyes were directed at me in a normal manner without any sign of a squint. Nevertheless, I had the impression that when her face was turned away from me she squinted.

She wont eat potatoes not under no circumstances, because she thinks that in her last previous existence she was a potato herself. "I takes a squint at the lady. She has a kind of a round face with two or three chins that she don't actually need, and little knobby features. "'Well, I says, 'if I'm any judge, she ain't entirely recovered yet.

You can thank your stars that I've not shown them to Mother. Besides people who can't spell yet really ought not to keep diaries. It's not suitable for children. I was in a wax. In the closet I took a squint to see what mistakes I had made. There was only wenn with one n instead of double n and dass with short ss's, that's all. I was jolly glad that there was nothing about her on the page.

'Will you marry me? he had asked. 'You'd deceive me and not have me, she replied cheerfully and calmly. 'But do you love me? Tell me for God's sake! 'Why shouldn't I love you? You don't squint, answered Maryanka, laughing and with her hard hands squeezing his.... 'What whi-ite, whi-i-ite, soft hands you've got so like clotted cream, she said. 'I am in earnest. Tell me, will you marry me?