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"Squawk," said Mary, as she was regularly upset, and they all went down boys, plate, eggs, tray, and all in one heap upon the passage floor. Out came Mrs Inglis, and out came the Squire, and out ran the cook from the kitchen; and then everybody began to talk at once, so that the confusion grew worse than ever.

He imagined some strange voice would come from the dead throat and squawk after him in horrible menaces. The trees about the portal of the chapel moved soughingly in a soft wind. A sad silence was upon the little guarding edifice. The trees began softly to sing a hymn of twilight. The sun sank until slanted bronze rays struck the forest.

When she came to Almo's escape from Britain the Emperor slapped his thigh and emitted a sound between a grunt and a squawk. "The joke is on me!" he guffawed. "Just like me! Father told me particularly about his injunctions to Opstorius, and Pertinax himself reminded me about Almo after Father's death.

For a long time they hurtled through a huge blue loneliness, dark blue below, lighter blue above. Once they passed over a ship, a pencil dot trailing a pin-scratch of white. Another time they startled a high-flying albatross, which gave a frightened squawk and plunged down out of sight with folded wings. Aside from that, there was nothing to see until they reached the islands.

Even Knapp, crawling at his heels, appeared affected. The man was humming something in a dirge-like monotone. At first Kit thought it was some sort of a Litany; then he caught the words: "Two little corpseses goes for a walk In a church-yard under the sea, Says the one to the other 'I'll squeak if you'll squawk To keep me company." The humming ceased, and Kit missed it. "Are you there, Knapp?"

Out among this scene of partial desolation a great hawk circled and added his eerie cry to the lonely place, announcing that we were not the only watchers in this wild domain. A great blue heron rose slowly into the air and flew across the stream, breaking the silence with his harsh squawk. "Here," we said, "is a quiet nook away from the rest of the world.

The Shanghai rooster settled down with a half-stifled squawk in the bottom of his coop. Without doubt the bird saw the bear and realized that his life was in peril. "What de matter wid yo'?" demanded Washington, rolling his eyes and beginning to look scared himself. Jack's mouth was dry and he had to wet his lips before he could as much as whisper.

He was dragged across and down upon the floor, choking and gurgling. Blake bent lower. "Lie still!" he ordered. "I'm going to let go your throat. If you squawk, I'll break your neck!" He removed his grip alike of wrist and throat, and Ashton, gasping and panting, felt gingerly of his throat with his soft fingers.

The gorge through which he was riding was thickly wooded with willows and larch trees, and far in advance of him he saw that the birds had been disturbed. They were in agitated flight over the tree-tops. Above the thudding of his pony's hoofs he heard the raucous squawk of a jay the most alert of sentinels.

Lolita, however, made up what was lacking in cordiality. With a loud squawk of welcome she flew to Flick's shoulder, uttering gutteral and incoherent expressions doubtless meant to convey endearment. "Call Mom, Bob," commanded Pearl lazily, and Flick obediently stepped inside of the door in search of Mrs. Gallito.