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Still, it seemed advisable to give them time to settle down to dinner first, so, stopping at a newspaper shop at the corner, I spun out another minute or two in buying myself a copy of La Vie Parisienne and the latest edition of the Pall Mall.

So, then, it was no surprise to the ranchhold when the buckboard spun to the door, and Raidler took up his debile /protege/ like a handful of rags and set him down upon the gallery. McGuire looked upon things strange to him. The ranch-house was the best in the country.

We're lucky Bromfield ran back into the little room. Up in front a dozen guys might have seen the whole play even in the dark." Durand spent the night strengthening the web he had spun to destroy his enemy. He passed to and fro among those who had been arrested in the raid and he arranged the testimony of some of them to suit his case.

Why, what ?" She suddenly seemed to understand. "She's not going to take him away from us?" Ralph dropped into a chair, crumpling the letter in his hand. He had been in a dream, poor fool that he was a dream about his child! He sat gazing at the type-written phrases that spun themselves out before him.

Jakin stood for a minute, spun round and collapsed, as the Fore and Aft came forward, the maledictions of their officers in their ears, and in their hearts the shame of open shame. Half the men had seen the drummers die, and they made no sign. They did not even shout. They doubled out straight across the plain in open order, and they did not fire.

They found their own centers of gravity and spun around them!" The Chief scowled, deep in thought. Then his face went blank. "By the holy mud turtle!" he grunted. "I get it!" Joe said, with very great pains not to seem triumphant, "Instead of spinning the shaft and trimming the rotor, we'll spin the rotor and trim the shaft.

Kerim's voice screamed, "Gefty, it's " He spun around, sprinted back to the cargo lock. The janandra had come silently out of the nearest side passage behind him, was approaching with the remembered oiling swiftness of motion, its great head lifted a yard from the floor. Gefty plunged through the lock, jumped for the top of the cubicle door steps, came stumbling into the cubicle.

The boys had tops shaped something like whipping-tops, but spun with a string. The next morning we proceeded as before, but the river had become so rapid and shallow and the boats were all so small, that though I had nothing with me but a change of clothes, a gun, and a few cooking utensils, two were required to take me on.

Expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome It was in this latter way that the monarchy was terminated in Rome. For however much the history of the expulsion of the last Tarquinius, "the proud," may have been interwoven with anecdotes and spun out into a romance, it is not in its leading outlines to be called in question.

And I'm willing to give Archie another toy for him, but " Sidney suddenly thrust his hand into his pocket and pulled out a gaily painted top that hummed and made music when you spun it. "I'll trade you that for your Calico Clown," said Sidney to Archibald. "But the Clown has a broken leg," explained Pete. "I don't care. Maybe I can mend it," Sidney answered.