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There they spun their intrigues, sought to excite a European war against France; from there they hurled their flaming torches into France, their calumnies against Queen Marie Antoinette, the Austrian woman. She alone was accountable for all the misfortunes and the disturbances of France, she alone had given occasion for the distrust now felt against royalty.

As this little scene had attracted more attention from those about him than pleased Verdayne, he indicated with a slight nod to the croupier to proceed, and calmly placed a pile of gold pieces of large denomination on the green double nought. The wheel spun. The ball clicked slower and slower.

Facts are facts; and, even in the case of so weighty a fact, the responsibility rests not upon the beholder." Mary Antony leaned over the parapet, looking upward. The afternoon sunlight fell full upon the russet parchment of her kind old face, shewing the web of wrinkles spun by ninety years of the gently turning wheel of time. But the robin, perched upon the bough, trilled and sang, unmoved.

It is in the fields of this isle that the shrub grows producing the cotton of which the article known by the name of Nankeen is made. The fibre is not white like other cotton, but of a delicate orange color, which it preserves after it is spun and woven."

And you should have spun the outer globe instantly, before the remaining enemy had a chance to find out our location." "I can move away a half mile," suggested Wang Li. "We've got to silence those motors, fool!" yelled Sitsumi. "You know very well that we can't run. Charge them again, and take care this time that you crash into the middle of their formation."

The temptation to lay hands on the cringing little toadeater grew too strong for me, and I picked him up by the scruff of the collar, he was all skin and bones, and spun him round like a corpse upon a gibbet, while he cried mercy in a voice to wake the dead. The slim gentleman under the sign laughed until he held his sides, with a heartiness that jarred upon me. It did not seem to fit him.

Jock coul no stand it to have anyone else applauded, or to see them getting attention he craved for himself. He could no sing, but he was a great story teller. Had he just said, out and out, that he was making up tales, 'twould have been all richt enough. But, no Jock must pretend he'd been everywhere he told about, and that he'd been an actor in every yarn he spun.

The vessels were anchored far out in the middle of the stream, so as to avoid the deadly bullets of any lurking sharp-shooters. The lookouts kept a close watch for floating torpedoes; while the sailors off duty spun their yarns in the forecastle, and bet pipes and tobacco on the result of the coming battle.

The trivial prophecy, which I heard when I was a child, and Queen Elizabeth was in the flower of her years, was, When hempe is spun There was also another prophecy, before the year of '88, which I do not well understand. There shall be seen upon a day, Between the Baugh and the May, The black fleet of Norway.

The most propable supposition is, that silk was spun and wove in Assyria and Cos, but the raw material imported into these countries from the Seres; for the silk worm was deemed by the Greeks and Romans so exclusively and pre-eminently the attribute of the Sinae, that from this very circumstance, they were denominated seres, or silk worms, by the ancients.