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But the fact is, that the flamingo feeds very differently to other birds, turning the back of its head to the ground, and spooning up the mud or water in which it finds its sustenance with the upper mandible. It is able to do this very easily from the unusual length of its neck, and the beak is provided with the means of filtering the mud, as I told you that of the duck is also.

The young man made a great stride towards her there was a sound of quick strokes on the ice and "BOO!" shouted the hilarious young man, bursting between them at railroad speed. He executed a marvelous pirouette and returned instantly, calling out, "Less spooning in the corners if you please or if it's got to be, let me in!"

In that coquetry of admiration and flattery which in the language of slang is called spooning, young persons occasionally got so far acquainted that they agreed to be married, pretty much as they agreed to waltz or to polka together; but it was always with the distinct understanding that they were doing what mammas would approve of, and family solicitors of good conscience could ratify.

Even then it required pretty close "spooning" together so close in fact that all sleeping along one side would have to turn at once. It was funny to watch this operation. All, for instance, would be lying on their right sides. They would begin to get tired, and one of the wearied ones would sing out to the Sergeant who was in command of the row "Sergeant: let's spoon the other way."

"But you're past spooning now," he concluded. "Am I? I rather resent your saying it your calmly excluding me from anything I might choose to do," she said. "If I cared if I chose if I really wanted to " "You could still spoon? Impossible! At your age? Nonsense!" "It isn't at all impossible. Wait until there's a moon, and a canoe, and a nice boy who is young enough to be frightened easily!"

In this deplorable situation these two ships remained for twenty-four hours, spooning under bare poles. The seamen also became much dissatisfied, though allowed two ounces of dried fish a day to each man, with a reasonable quantity of biscuit.

Chauncy Wilson laughed again, leaning forward to knock the ashes out of his pipe. "He's a fool, fast enough; and I dare say you're tired of his beastly spooning; but all the same, the real reason for this circus is that you want to amuse yourself." She drew up her head in mock dignity.

"And who is it to be?" "Ah, who is it to be? Can you make a guess?" "Not in the least. I don't know of anybody who has been spooning you." "Oh, what a term to use! No one can say that anyone ever spooned me. It is a horrible word. And I cannot bear to hear it fall from my own lips." "It is what young men do do," said Mrs. Green.

She pulled it open and saw the other child standing on a chair and spooning cherry jam out of the jar into his mouth. A candle, which it had put on the shelf below it, threw on the ceiling an enormous shadow of its large, jerry-built skull. It turned on her a pale and filthy face and dropped the jar, so that gobs of jam fell on its pinafore, the paper-covered shelf, the chair, the floor.

Storran, you really out to come up to London and give classes 'Manners for Men, you know. Very few of them wait on their wives these days." June upset the salt and busied herself spooning it up again from the cloth. There was no answering smile on her face.