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Released from Dayton's crushing weight, his small person jounced freely about, or came butting against Discombe's back in the most spontaneous manner possible.

Yet the writing in the Operatives' Magazine+ and the Lowell Offering+ was as good as that now appearing in periodicals, in some respects superior, being the free, unpaid and spontaneous utterances of the human heart. It is mentioned with praise in Emerson's Dial+. One of our sweetest New England poets, Lucy Larcom, began her career as a writer in them.

Most of us are so much the product of our surroundings that we accept without a question the ordinary formulæ which we yet hold so lightly that the principles which nominally govern serve only to excuse our spontaneous instincts.

I knew you were not a spontaneous nature, but I believed you were firm, and I told your father that he would find you so. I am disappointed but your father will not be!" And with this, Mrs. Penniman offered her niece a brief good-night, and withdrew to her own apartment. Catherine sat alone by the parlour fire sat there for more than an hour, lost in her meditations.

But we should derive but little advantage from groping about empirically with the commentators on Aristotle. The idea of One and Whole is in no way whatever derived from experience, but arises out of the primary and spontaneous activity of the human mind.

Communism or association in a simple form is the necessary object and original aspiration of the social nature, the spontaneous movement by which it manifests and establishes itself. It is the first phase of human civilization.

It is possible that the stockbroker is like the poet, a creature who is born, and not made; a gifted and inspired being, not to be perfected by any specific education; a child of spontaneous instincts and untutored faculties.

He is not making use of the work or services which another has wrought in his behalf, but he is employing his own powers and faculties, in performing these his own works, which he owes, and which, if paid in this style, he thinks will save his soul. This is the spontaneous, and it is the correct, idea of a "work," of what St. Paul so often calls a "work of the law."

From an examination of 28 cases of spontaneous combustion, Jacobs makes the following summary: It has always occurred in the human living body. The subjects were generally old persons. It was noticed more frequently in women than in men. All the persons were alone at the time of occurrence. They all led an idle life. They were all corpulent or intemperate.

Soil so quick receptive, not one feather-seed, Not one flower-dust fell but straight its fall awoke Vitalizing virtue: song would song succeed Sudden as spontaneous prove a poet soul! Indeed? Is it possible that the one epic poem which is a man's life work may be as truly inspired as is the lyric that leaps to his lips with a sudden gush of emotion?