United States or Benin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But on the seventh day the combatants closed with each other. Heavily fell the iron hands of the sturdy Franks upon the sinewy, but slender frames of their Asiatic opponents. Nevertheless, Charles had no cavalry; and the swift steeds of Arabia, with their daring riders, trampled down his battalions. Suddenly there was a cry in the rear of the Moslem army that the infidels were spoiling the camp.

Frances was getting paler and thinner every day and she was spoiling her eyelashes by crying. "I wish," said Aunt Eleanor one morning at breakfast, while Frances pretended to eat, "that I could go and take Corona Sherwood out for a drive today. I promised her last week that I would, but I've never had time yet. And today is baking and churning day. It's a shame. Poor Corona!"

Thrale, who had asked him how he did, 'Ready to become a scoundrel, Madam; with a little more spoiling you will, I think, make me a complete rascal : he meant, easy to become a capricious and self-indulgent valetudinarian; a character for which I have heard him express great disgust.

Tell him I will blow his brains out the first time I meet him, for spoiling, by his bloody-minded villany, one of the most hopeful plans " But the landlord's "Hush! hush!" was again repeated, and the voices were thenceforth moderated, though the discussion seemed still to endure some time.

It would have been difficult for any average man to express irritability while discussing the appetizing dishes which Miss Lacey and Jenny had placed on that supper table, but the judge was displeased by his niece's non-appearance, and made it evident. "I hope you're not spoiling the girl, Martha," he said.

Then he released his hold and said, quietly: "You'd better go up to your room and cool off. You came near spoiling everything." "He tried to shake hands," George mumbled, "with me! That thieving whelp tried to shake " He trailed off into an unintelligible jargon of curses and threats which did not end until he had reached the elevator.

They let me alone then for the time being. We always let each other alone in time to prevent ill feeling from spoiling a joke. But they had bought gloves, too, as I did. We threw all the purchases away together this morning. They were coarse, unsubstantial, freckled all over with broad yellow splotches, and could neither stand wear nor public exhibition.

Her experience with my brother taught her that the Vote was necessary. Miss Flagg told me that unless women got the Vote England would drop behind. They all said that. To me it was amazing. It showed me how far I'd travelled away from the old ideas. It angered me to see women acting like that, spoiling themselves, making themselves ridiculous and ugly, all for that!

The shopkeepers, who were not prepared to take joyfully the spoiling of their goods, formed the great mass of this citizen army one hundred and fifty thousand strong. There were, nevertheless, recruits from all classes, and in the excitement and peril of the hour odd men rubbed shoulders.

"Well, then, why don't you go to these fandangoes alone? I can see that you have me on your mind all the time, when I'm with you." "Oughtn't I?" "Yes, up to a certain point, but not up to the point of spoiling your fun. I will drop in now and then, but I won't try to come to all of them, after this; you'll get along perfectly well with Mrs. Amsden, and I shall be safe from her for a while.