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"Might I have half a word with your honour?" "A dozen, if you like, Tiller," said old Jack, turning from the party of daring fishermen, who had been relating their deeds of daring with the sharks, and was quite elated with the narrations which they had been giving. Jack Tiller hummed and ha'd, and looked uneasy, and so he pulled his forelock and spluttered out

And so that outworn creed took a new lease of life; though for my part the words that clashed with it were those that had sunk the deepest. 'Esens, I protested; 'that town behind Bensersiel. 'Wassertiefe, Lotsen, Schleppboote, spluttered Davies. 'Kilometre Eisenbahn, from me, and so on. I should earn the just execration of the reader if I continued to report such a dialogue.

The tears were running down the pale face of Miss Arnold, and the dead-wagon man was in a perfect fever of excitement, but he did not speak till she raised her eyes from the letter, when he spluttered out: "Lor' bless you, Missus Agonyness, I hope there ain't no Yaller Jeck in that there letter. But you looks orful sick." "I want to go to where you got this letter at once."

To the utter amazement of Tara, and of the enemy, he silently sprang at the bigger boy; grabbed him unscientifically by the knot of his superior neck-tie and hit out, with more fury than precision, at cheeks and eyes and nose For a few exciting seconds he had it all his own way. Then the enemy recovered from the first shock of surprise spluttered wrathfully and hit out in return.

Masterson, who had collapsed at the mention of the constable, and could now do nothing but moan and weep, and the attorney, who spluttered vain threats in a voice quavering between fear and passion evoked little sympathy.

This was merely the concession of politeness, for he thought his offer handsome. Julie slyly eyed the wardrobe and as slyly smiled, and then, imitating Farette's manner though Farette could not see it, and Parpon spluttered with laughter said: "M'sieu', you are a great man. The grey poplin is noble, also the flour, and the writing on the brown paper.

Once or twice it made wry faces at swallowing a mouthful of water, and choked and spluttered as if on the point of strangling. At such times, however, the mother snatched it up, and by a process scarcely to be mentioned obliged it to eject the fluid.

He spluttered and looked about for Archer, but could see nothing in the darkness. He did not want to call for he knew how far voices carry across the water, and though the spot was isolated he would take no chances. It rained hard and the wind, rising to a gale, lashed the black water into whitecaps.

There, with a foot lifted to enter the four-wheeler, Prince Victor turned, shaking an impassioned hand in Lanyard's face. "You'll pay me for this!" he spluttered. "I'll square accounts with you, Lanyard, if I have to follow you to the gates of hell!" "Better not," Lanyard warned him fairly, "if you do, I'll push you in ... Bon soir, monsieur le prince!"

Frog told me I ought to beware of them. He was very anxious so he said about me and the Pickerel. He said he didn't want them to catch me. He was very kind, I thought." "Kind!" Mrs. Meadow Mouse spluttered. "He didn't want them to catch you because he hopes to catch you himself!" Mr. Frog Insists MASTER MEADOW MOUSE had come to Black Creek to enjoy his first swim in its dark, sluggish water.