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The entire heads of some comets have been split asunder in passing close around the sun; The comet of 1882 retreated into space after its perihelion passage with five heads instead of the one that it had originally, and each of these heads had its own tail!

The first fence, after he had crossed the road, was full six feet in height, framed of huge split logs, piled so close together that, save between the two topmost rails, a small dog even could have found no passage.

That was called a corded bed. Cheers were all made at home and were split bottoms. "They didn't many of the slaves have food in their homes. But when they did, they would jus have a little wooden box and they would put their food in it. "It seems like the white people got to burying their money during the time of the war. That never come out till after the war.

Again she heard the click, and this time she located the direction from which it came. She looked at the split rock on the edge of the sheer drop. From beside it she had peered down through the field glasses at the outstretched form of her brother, far beneath in the cañon bottom. The sound came from that rock. She stared at the side of the frost-split fragment with dilated eyes.

In the evening of the 10th, there was a dreadful storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, during which the mainmast of one of the Dutch East Indiamen was split, and carried away by the deck; and the maintop-mast and topgallant-mast were shivered to pieces. The stroke was probably directed by an iron spindle, which was at the maintop gallantmast head.

Then the mountains split open; the animals died and left their bones in the clefts. The object of his expedition was now to search for some of these bones. The bones were duly discovered, and it was not many years thereafter before the Wild West Exhibition was seen in the principal Eastern cities.

"We gain nothing by sitting here, and we are both fresh; we can walk many leagues before night." "Do you know which way to go?" asked Adan. Roldan swept the horizon with his eyes. The buttes they had passed had displaced the solitary landmark of the morning. There was not a hoof-beat on the hard split ground. Roldan shrugged his shoulders. "We can at least follow the sun.

They had no clear notion of what they wanted; they had no definite scheme of church reform; they had no great leader to show them the way through the jungle, and thus, instead of closing their ranks against the common foe, they split up into jangling sects and parties, and made the confusion worse confounded.

Here's a big white oak, a hundred and fifty years old. It's almost dead. See the little holes bored in the bark. They were made by a beetle. Look!" I swung my hatchet and split off a section of bark. Everywhere in the bark and round the tree ran little dust-filled grooves. I pried out a number of tiny brown beetles, somewhat the shape of a pinching-bug, only very much smaller. "There!

Once the door had closed upon them, Warrington capered around the room like a school-boy. The publication of this confederacy between Morrissy and McQuade would swing the doubting element over to his side and split the ranks of the labor party. Patty, Patty Bennington! He must see her. It was impossible to wait another day. When was it he had seen her last?