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Now, in both the sedges and grasses, the blossom has a common structure, though undeveloped in the sedges, but composed always of groups of double husks, which have mostly a spinous process in the centre, sometimes projecting into a long awn or beard; this central process being characteristic also of the ordinary leaves of mosses, as if a moss were a kind of ear of corn made permanently green on the ground, and with a new and distinct fructification.

The Buccinum derives its name from the form of the shell, which has a wide mouth, like that of a trumpet, and which after one or two twists terminates in a pointed head. The Murex trunculus has the same general form as the Buccinum; but the shell is more rough and spinous, being armed with a number of long thin projections which terminate in a sharp point.

The flowers are yellow, 2 in. long, and are composed of a short, thick tube bearing from forty to fifty fringed sepals, and about half that number of petals, which are also fringed. There are as many as a dozen flowers opened together on stout, aged plants; it is, however, more because of the densely spinous stems than the flowers that this species has found its way into cultivation.

"The cord was found to be compressed and greatly congested, but there was no evidence of laceration. The laminae and spinous processes of the 8th and 9th dorsal vertebrae were cut away, thus relieving all pressure on the cord; the wound was drained and sutured, and a plaster-of-Paris jacket applied, a hole being cut out over the wound for the purpose of changing the dressing when necessary.

After treating so a few moments say four to six minutes remove P. P. to the back, and pass it along close upon each side of the spinous processes from the lower lumbar up to about the middle of the dorsal vertebræ. Continue this about three or four minutes.

The raptorial group called Mantidae, which forms the subject of this article, includes species that maybe easily recognized by their large size, their enormous, spinous fore legs, which are adapted for seizing other insects, and from their devotional attitude when watching their prey.

Where the prairie lay smooth he kept his course straight as an arrow's toward the east. Deflected by hill or arroyo or impractical spinous brakes, he quickly flowed again into the current, charted by his unerring instinct. At last, upon the side of a gentle rise, he suddenly subsided to a complacent walk.

Captain Redwood had fired several rounds of his chain-shot up into it, and brought down many of the grand spinous pericarps; but this cost an expenditure of ammunition; and, circumstanced as they were, they saw it would never do to waste it in such whimsical fashion. Still, for want of food, the fruit must be obtained some way or other, and the question was how to "pluck" it.

They were engaged in casting anchor: the chief boat, placed in front after the old manner of Norwegian flotillas, all her rigging standing out in black, above the white level of the sea; and in front might be perceived the hook-iron, loaded with all kinds of hooks and harpoons, destined for the Greenland shark, the dogfish, and the spinous shark, as well as the nets to pick up the sunfish.

It was along the bewildering maze of this spinous thicket that the speckled roan would bring the Kid to see his girl. And once, clinging like a lizard to the ridge-pole, high up under the peaked grass roof, he had heard Tonia, with her Madonna face and Carmen beauty and humming-bird soul, parley with the sheriff's posse, denying knowledge of her man in her soft /melange/ of Spanish and English.